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Abstract (2. Language): 
Rewiev of The Early Islamic Medicine Through The Light of The Some Medical Terms in Khalil b. Ahmad’s (d. 175/791) Kitâbü’l-ayn Apparently, our knowledge about the development of the Early Islamic Medicine is not sufficient considering the current knowledge. Since researches on that period are inadequate and writing documents does not carry on until today completely. Some documents regarding medicine are translated to Arabic since Umayyad period, under the reign of Mervan b. el-Hakem (64-65/684-685) and these efforts continue until the reign of Memun, who was Abbasid caliphate. However, contents of these translations are not so clear. Khalil b. Ahmad (d. 175/791), who lived in the end of the Umayyad period and in the beginning of the Abbasid period, was very prominent philologist. He has Kitâbü’l- Ayn that is very early study on the Arabic Literature. In this work, Khalil b. Ahmad, explained over hundred words regarding the medicine, and sometimes investigates etymologic roots of these words and from where they came. His explanations on these words and information, which he presented, reflect medical culture of that time. This essay will analyze medical terms given by Khalil b. Ahmad and meanwhile emphasize the important points from the point of history of medicine.



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