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Abstract (2. Language): 
THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN THE ABBASID AND THE SAFFARIDS IN THE REIGN OF AL-MU‘TADID (279-289/892-902) This article aims to deal with al-Mu‘tadid’s political and military relationships with the Saffarids he signed the first treaty with soon after he became caliph. This process lasting approximately ten years can be divided into two periods as before and after the war at the Balkh between the Saffarids and the Samanids, which caused to form over again the power balance in the East. The first period can be described as the period of peace and cooperatian the sides supported morally each other to dominate over the lands as good as divided into two parts after the contract they made in the beginnings of the term. The second period is the term al-Mu‘tadid succeeded in establishing the Abbasid sovereignty in Fars by cooperating with the Samanids, after the Saffarids lost their power.