Journal Name:
- Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Isawiyya School and the beginning of the debate on the universality of the prophecy
of Muhammad
This article deals with the problem of the universality of the prophecy of Muhammad
within the context of the claims of the Isawiyya school. There are several reason for our
choice of this issue: From an earlier period the universality and particularity of the
prophecy of Muhammad was an important issue of debate within the interreligious
discussions. As a result, this issue was discussed in the Theological and Heresiographical
sources. In this context, first the school of Isawiyya, who first claimed that the prophecy of
Muhammad belongs to Arabs only, will be presented. Then the universality of the
prophecy of Muhammad will be discussed and rational, traditional and historical arguments
of Muslim scholars will be evaluated.
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