A Patient with DDD Pacemaker Having the Electrical Stimulus Both of Which from the Ventricle
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- Selçuk Tıp Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
One of the basic treatment techniques in cardiac conduction
defects is pacemaker implantation. Although they were first used for
the purpose of the treatment of bradyarrhythmias in 1958, they have
had their current position for being applied to prevent and also to
terminate the tachycardias in the course of time. Therefore, the rate of
patients with permanent pacemaker in accordance with the increase
in their use has been increasing at routine clinical practice recently.
As a result, it is important to understand the possible ECG changes
in these patients to determine any pathology on time. We are going
to report a pacemaker lead dislocation detected with surface ECG
change obtained during routine the pacemaker’s functions control in
a patient with DDD pacemaker, who did not describe any complaint
previously. In this case our aim is to emphasize the importance of
12-lead surface ECG to make diagnosis of pacemaker dysfunctions.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Kalbin ileti defektlerinde temel tedavilerden biri de pacemaker
implantasyonudur. İlk defa 1958 yılında bradiaritmileri tedavi etmek
amacıyla kullanılan pacemakerlar zaman içinde taşiaritmilerin
önlenmesi ve sonlandırılmasında da kullanılır hale gelmiştir. Yüzeyel
EKG pacemaker fonksiyon bozukluğu bulunan hastalarda en önemli
tanı metodlarından birisidir. Burada daha önce AV tam blok nedeniyle
DDDR mod kalıcı pacemaker implante edilmiş, asemptomatik bir
hastada rutin pacemaker kontrolü esnasında yüzey EKG değişikliği ile
tespit edilen lead dislokasyonunu anlatacağız. Bu olguda amacımız,
pacemaker disfonksiyonlarını teşhis etmede, 12-lead yüzey EKG’ nin
önemini vurgulamaktır.
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