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Relative strength, Body mass and height as Predictors of Olympic Weightlifting Players Performance

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The research aims to know the relationship between relative strength, Body mass and height with Olympic weightlifting player's performance and the contribution percentage for the relative strength, Body mass and height in performance for weightlifting players during Olympic Games. Applied this research on weightlifting Olympic players results in Sydney 2000, Athens 2004 and Beijing 2008. The numbers of players (397) Olympic weightlifting players they calculation their results in Olympic Games and they represent (80.52%) from the original community, average age (25.80 ± 4.52) year, average Height (170.76 ± 9.71) cm, and average weight (85.19 ± 25.07) kg. The Results that provided statistical indicative relationship between the relative strength, Body mass and height with Olympic weightlifting players performance. Shifted so that contribution percentage for the relative strength (13.1%), contribution percentage for Body mass (38.6%), and the contribution for the height (43.6%) In Olympic Games weightlifting players performance. It can predict level number for weightlifting players with indication the relative strength, Body mass and height. The interesting for muscle strength development especially the maximum strength for weightlifting players by indicative relative strength indicate to achieve the correlated between it and between the Body mass and height.



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