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The Effects of Aerobic Dance Exercise on Body Composition Changes Associated with Weight Change in Sedentary Women

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of aerobic dance exercise on body composition in sedentary overweight women. In this study, Total 55 adult sedentary women participated as volunteers. The age, height and weight averages of the subjects exercise and control group were respectively 35,10±9,12 years, 1,60±5,22 m and 68,55±6,73 kg (n=29) and 30,27±10,85 years, 1,59±5,53 cm and 61,25±8,38 kg (n=26). Body composition (via skinfolds caliper), waist hip ratio, waist circumference were measured and body fat percentage, Basal Metabolic Rate and Lean Body Mass were calculated at sedentary women. The measurements were taken twice as before and after aerobic-dance exercise being applied an 8-week series of one hour exercise three days per week. The control group did not participate in any physical activity during the six-week period. There were significant differences between pretest and posttest for weight, body mass index, waist circumference, waist hip ratio, metabolic and body composition parameters in exercise group (p<0,05). Besides there were significantly decreased body weight, Lean Body Mass, Basal Metabolic Rate and fat percentage (p<0,05). Furthermore, there were not significant differences between pretest and posttest for waist circumference, waist hip ratio, body composition parameters, Lean Body Mass, Basal Metabolic Rate, body weight and body fat percentage in control group(p>0,05). As a result, it can be say that aerobic dance exercise at a moderate intensity and duration can improve physical fitness and can decrease body fat percentage, Lean Body Mass and Basal Metabolic Rate during weight loss.



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