The Contents of Operations Management Courses in Terms of the Quality of Potential Human Resources and Research in Turkish
Journal Name:
- Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Human is the main factor in all businesses that aim high success today. Therefore, businesses pay much more attention to increase their human resources portfolio with individuals who have modern knowledge and skills. The enrichment of knowledge and skills of human resources on production management is directly associated with the "the content of operations management course" involved in undergraduate programs. In this study, the descriptions of operations management courses in the business and industrial engineering departments in big universities of Turkey will be evaluated by content analysis. Also, they will be examined by their similar and distinct aspects in terms of qualifications they intend to provide the students who are the potential human resources for the businesses. The survival of both service and industrial businesses in crisis environment will be provided by their innovator and creative presence in "production". In this context, the quality of operations management education and training has great importance.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Gunumuzde yuksek basariyi hedefleyen turn i§letmelerde temel faktor insandir. Bu yuzden isktmeler, insan kaynaklari portfoyunu, modern bilgi ve becerilerle donatilmis, bireylerle zenginlestirmeye buyuk onem vermektedir. insan kaynaginin uretim yonetimi konusunda bilgi ve becerilerinin zenginlestirilmesi lisans programlarinda yer alan "uretim yonetimi ders icerigi" ile dogrudan iliskilidir. Uretim yonetimi, hammadde girisinden, urunun son kullaniciya teslim edildigi noktaya kadar devam eden bir surectir. Etkin bir uretim yonetimi sisteminden bahsedebilmek icin tum sureclerde modern isletmecilik tekniklerinin kullanilmasi gerekmektedir. Uretim yonetimi en alt kademeden en ust kademeye tum calisanlara yol gosterici niteliktedir. Bu arastirmada, Turkiye'de ki buyuk universitelerin isletme bolumleri ile endustri muhendisligi bolumlerinde okutulan uretim yonetimi ders tanimlari icerik analiziyle incelenecektir, benzer ve farkli yonleri ile isletmeler icin potansiyel insan kaynagi olan ogrencilere kazandiracagi nitelikler acisindan irdelenecektir. Hem hizmet isletmeleri hem de sanayi isletmelerinin kriz ortaminda yasamlarini surdurebilmesi "uretimde" yenilikci ve yaratici olmalariyla saglanabilecektir. Bu baglamda uretim yonetimi ogretimi ve egitiminin niteligi buyuk onem tasimaktadir.
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