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Osmanli Devlet Duzeni Uzerine Balkanlardan Bir Bakis

A Balkan Perspective on the Ottoman State System

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Abstract (2. Language): 
An article about process of corruptibility in the governmental order by in 1595. The author presented this work to scholars, state officers and cabinet members who participatedin Egri battle at that time. People who examined the article mentioned about their appreciation and praised it. In addition to his close contact with the public the author had the chance to observe deterioration of military order during Egri battle. He explained the philosophy of the Ottoman government, transformation of government and sources and solution methodologies of problems. He presented relations between principles and related social events in the government system and then explained which principles were abandoned how and when they were abandoned as well as the results of these events. In this study, an assessment of the article was examined.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Osmanli Devleti'nin Balkanlardaki onemli bir bolgesi olan Bosna'nin Akhisar kazasinda yas.ayan Hasan el-Kafi, 1595 tarihinde devlet duzeninin bozulus. surecini anlattigi bir risale yazar. Muellif bu eserini Egri seferine katilan donemin ulema, devlet erkani ve divan heyetine sunar. Risaleyi inceleyenler takdir ve ovgu ile kars.ilarlar. Halk ile yakin temasi olan ve Egri Seferi munasebetiyle ordunun duzenindeki bozulmayi bizzat gozleyen muellif, Osmanli devlet felsefesinin hangi ilkelerden olus.tugunu, daha sonra ne gibi d6mis.umler gegirdigini ve mevcut halin nedenleri ile bu durumdan gikabilmek igin neler yapilmasi gerektigini agiklar. Devlet sistemine dair bu prensipleri bazi toplumsal olaylarla ili§kilendirerek, hangi prensibin ne §ekilde ve ne zaman terk edildigini ve sonucunun nasil oldugunu gostermeye gali§ir. Bu makalede soz konusu eserin bir degerlendirmesi yapilmaktadir.

JEL Codes:



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Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yonetim Ara§tirmalari Dergisi, 2013, Yil:1, Cilt:1, Sayi:1
Osmanli Devlet Duzeni Ozerine Balkanlardan Bir Baki§
Yilmaz, Huseyin (2003), "Osmanli Tarihgiliginde Tanzimat Oncesi Siyaset Dusuncesine Yaklasimlar", Turkiye Arafltirmalari Literatur Dergisi, cilt:1, sayi:2, s. 231-298.

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