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Gelir Uzerinden Alinan Vergilerde Vergi Guvenlik Onlemleri ve Mukelleflerin Ba-Bs Bildirimlerine Bakisi Arastirmasi

Tax Security Measures for Income Taxes and Research on Taxpayers View on Ba-Bs Reports

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Abstract (2. Language): 
State system cannot work without economic resources derived from taxes. The main fiscal purpose of taxation is to provide optimum tax revenue. Tax security measures are an institution that provides self-audits of taxpayers. To prevent tax loses and leakages in Turkish tax system, there is a need tax security measures to be placed in the tax system. Ba and Bs declarations, which is authority of the Ministry of Finance, which has been brought is a general tax security measure. In this study first, tax security measures have been identified, then about Ba and Bs reports and application are given. Finally, the Ba and Bs reports' effectiveness of the tax security measures tried to be determined by empirical research. As a result of this study, Ba and Bs reports in the Turkish tax system is an effective tax security measure and as such should be included in an effective tax system, the tax is concluded that the security measures.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Devlet sistemi vergilerle elde edilen ekonomik kaynaklari olmadan calis.amaz. Vergilemenin birincil amaci optimal vergi hasilatini etkin sekilde kamu hazinesine aktarilmasini temin etmektir. Vergi guvenlik onlemleri mukelleflerin oz denetimlerini de saglayan bir muessesedir. Turk vergi sistemindeki vergi kayip ve kacaklarini onlemek icin de vergi sisteminin icine yerle§tirilecek vergi guvenlik onlemlerine ihtiyac bulunmaktadir. Ba ve Bs Bildirimleri Maliye Bakanliginin yetkisi cercevesinde getirilmis olan genel nitelikte bir vergi guvenlik muessesesidir. Cali§mada oncelikle vergi guvenlik onlemi kavrami tanimlanmi§, daha sonra Ba ve Bs bildirimlerinin kapsami ve uygulanmasi hakkinda bilgiler verilmi§tir. Son olarak soz konusu bildirimlerin vergi guvenlik muessesesi olarak etkinligi ampirik arastirma ile tespit edilmeye cali§ilmi§tir. Bu cali§ma sonucunda Turk vergi sisteminde yer alan Ba ve Bs bildirimlerinin etkin bir vergi guvenlik onlemi oldugu ve bu gibi etkin vergi guvenlik onlemlerinin vergi sistemine dahil edilmesi gerektigi sonucuna varilmistir.