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Turkiye'nin Euro Bolgesi'ne Uyumu: Panel Veri Analizi

Turkey's Adjustment To Euro Area: Panel Data Analysis

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study intends to solve the necessity whether Turkey will become a membership of Euro Area by making use of traditional panel data models. The problem with such question can be stated if Turkey becomes a membership of Euro Area or not. In order to solve the problem, intra-industry trade and trade unionization are selected as main variables; urbanization and government debt are selected as control variables. Related to these variables, panel data analysis based on Grubel-Lloyd Index, number of trade union member, urban population and amount of the public debt is analyzed and effect of these variables are tested on real GDP. The findings obtained support Turkey's membership of Euro Area in terms of intra-industry trade, unionization and government debt except urbanization.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu gali§ma, Turkiye'nin Euro Bolgesi'ne girmesi ya da girmemesi gerekliligini geleneksel panel veri modellerini kullanarak gozmeyi amaglamaktadir. Cali§mamn temel sorusu, Turkiye Avrupa Parasal Birligi'ne girmeli mi girmemeli mi §eklinde formule edilebilir. Sorunun gozumu igin endustri-igi ticaret ve sendikala§ma temel degi§kenler; §ehirle§me ve kamu borcu ise kontrol degi§kenleri olarak alinmi§tir. Bu verilere ili§kin olarak 1995-2010 yillari arasinda Grubel-Lloyd Endeksi, sendika uye sayilari; §ehirlerde ya§ayan nufus ve kamu bore miktan verileri baz alinarak panel veri analizi uygulanmi§ ve soz konusu degi§kenlerin reel GSYiH uzerindeki etkisi test edilmiijtir. Elde edilen bulgular, §ehirle§me di§inda, endustri-igi ticaret, sendikala§ma ve kamu borglan agisindan Turkiye'nin Euro Bolgesi'ne uye olmasini destekler niteliktedir.

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