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Ihracat-Buyume lli§kisi: Yapisal Kirilmali Bir Analiz

Relationship of Export-Growth: An Analysis with Structural Breaks

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study; the effects of exports on economic growth in Turkey were analyzed for 1989:Q1-2013:Q1 period's data via the Toda-Yamamoto causality and cointegration with multi structural breaks. As a result of the empirical analysis; it was determined that 10% increases in export by 2.7%, 10% increases in fixed capital formation by 1.4%, 10% increases in labor by 2.9% and 10% increases in gross domestic product of the world by 0.6% increases the gross domestic product of Turkey, the effects of the increases in the real exchange rate on the gross domestic product is quite small.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu gali§mada; Turkiye'de ihracatin ekonomik buyume uzerindeki etkileri 1989:Q1-2013:Q1 donemi igin Toda-Yamamoto nedensellik analizi ve goklu yapisal kirilmali e§butunle§me yontemiyle analiz edilmi§tir. Yapilan ampirik analizler sonucunda; ihracattaki %10'luk arti§in milli geliri %2.7, sabit sermaye yatinmlanndaki %10'luk arti§in milli geliri %1.4, i§gucundeki %10'luk arti§in milli geliri %2.9 ve dunya milli gelirindeki %10'luk arti§in milli geliri %0.6 oraninda arttirdigi, reel doviz kurundaki arti§in milli gelir uzerindeki etkisinin ise oldukga kuciik oldugu tespit edilmi§tir.

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