Journal Name:
- Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi
Publication Year:
- 2017
Keywords (Original Language):
Author Name | University of Author | Faculty of Author |
- 5
- Turkish
Abu-Bader, S., & Abu-Qarn, A. S. (2003). Government expenditures, military spending and economic
growth: causality evidence from Egypt, Israel, and Syria. Journal of Policy Modeling, 25(6), 567–
Ahmed, A. D. (2012). Debt Burden, Military Spending And Growth In Sub-Saharan Africa: A
Dynamic Panel Data Analysis. Defence and Peace Economics , 23(5), 485–506.
Baltagi, B. H. (2013). Econometric Analysis of Panel Data (5 edition). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley.
Benoit, E. (1973). Defense and economic growth in developing countries . Lexington, Mass: Lexington
Benoit, E. (1978). Growth and Defense in Developing Countries. Economic Development and Cultural
Change, 26(2), 271–280.
Biswas, B., & Ram, R. (1986). Military Expenditures and Economic Growth in Less Developed
Countries: An Augmented Model and Further Evidence. Economic Development and Cultural
Change, 34(2), 361–372.
Chang, H.-C., Huang, B.-N., & Yang, C. W. (2011). Military expenditure and economic growth across
different groups: A dynamic panel Granger-causality approach. Economic Modelling, 28(6),
Dakurah, A. H., Davies, S. P., & Sampath, R. K. (2001). Defense spending and economic growth in
developing countries: A causality analysis. Journal of Policy Modeling, 23(6), 651–658.
Deger, S. (1986). Economic Development and Defense Expenditure. Economic Development and
Cultural Change, 35(1), 179–196.
DeRouen Jr, K. (2000). The guns-growth relationship in Israel. Journal of Peace Research, 37(1), 69–
Dunne, J. P., Perlo-Freeman, S., & Soydan, A. (2004). Military expenditure and debt in South America.
Defence and Peace Economics , 15(2), 173–187.
Dunne, J. P., Smith, R. P., & Willenbockel, D. (2005). Models of Military Expenditure and Growth:
A Critical Review. Defence and Peace Economics , 16(6), 449–461.
Dunne, P., Nikolaidou, E., & Vougas, D. (2001). Defence spending and economic growth: A causal
analysis for Greece and Turkey. Defence and Peace Economics , 12(1), 5–26.
Peace Economics , 19(1), 27–35.
Faini, R., Annez, P., & Taylor, L. (1984). Defense Spending, Economic Structure, and Growth:
Evidence among Countries and over Time. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 32(3),
Farzanegan, M. R. (2014). Military Spending and Economic Growth: The Case of Iran. Defence and
Peace Economics , 25(3), 247–269.
Frederiksen, P. C., & Looney, R. E. (1982). Defense Expenditures and Economic Growth in
Developing Countries. The Journal of Economic Development, 7(1), 113–125.
T. Eğri, B. Timur, Y. Bayraktar/ Defense Spending and Economic Growth in Selected Middle East Countries: Panel Data Analysis
Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, Ekim 2017, Cilt: 5, Sayı: 5, ICPESS Özel Sayısı, ss.139-153 149
Galvin, H. (2003). The impact of defence spending on the economic growth of developing countries: A
cross-section study. Defence and Peace Economics , 14(1), 51–59.
Greene, W. H. (2003). Econometric Analysis (5th ed.). ABD: Prentice Hall.
Gujarati, D. N. (2002). Basic Econometrics: 4th (fourth) edition (4th edition edition). McGraw-Hill
Companies, The.
Günlük‐Şenesen, G. (2001). Measuring the extent of defence expenditures: The Turkish case with
Turkish data. Defence and Peace Economics , 12(1), 27–45.
Güriş, S. (2015). Stata ile Panel Veri Modelleri . Istanbul: Der Yayınları.
Heo, U. (2010). The Relationship between Defense Spending and Economic Growth in the United
States. Political Research Quarterly; Salt Lake City, 63(4), 760–770.
Judge, G. G., Griffiths, W. E., Hill, R. C., Lütkepohl, H., & Lee, T.-C. (1985). The Theory and
Practice of Econometrics (2 edition). New York: Wiley.
Karadam, D. Y., Yildirim, J., & Öcal, N. (2016). Military expenditure and economic growth in Middle
Eastern countries and Turkey: a non-linear panel data approach. Defence and Peace Economics ,
0(0), 1–12.
Karagol, E. (2006). The Relationship Between External Debt, Defence Expenditures and Gnp
Revisited: The Case of Turkey. Defence and Peace Economics , 17(1), 47–57.
Kollias, C., Manolas, G., & Paleologou, S.-M. (2004). Defence expenditure and economic growth in
the European Union: A causality analysis. Journal of Policy Modeling, 26(5), 553–569.
Künü, S., Hopoğlu, S., & Bozma, G. (2016). Conflict, Defense Spending and Economic Growth in the
Middle East: A Panel Data Analysis. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues,
6(1), 80–86.
Landau, D. (1986). Government and Economic Growth in the Less Developed Countries: An
Empirical Study for 1960-1980. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 35(1), 35–75.
Lebovic, J. H., & Ishaq, A. (1987). Military Burden, Security Needs, and Economic Growth in the
Middle East. The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 31(1), 106–138.
Lim, D. (1983). Another Look at Growth and Defense in Less Developed Countries. Economic
Development and Cultural Change, 31(2), 377–384.
Looney, R. E., & Frederiksen, P. C. (1986). Defense Expenditures, External Public Debt and Growth
in Developing Countries. Journal of Peace Research, 23(4), 329–338.
Mercan, M. (2014). Feldstein-Horioka Hipotezinin AB-15 ve Turkiye Ekonomisi icin Sinanmasi:
Yatay Kesit Bagimliligi Altinda Yapisal Kirilmali Dinamik Panel Veri Analizi. Ege Academic
Review, 14(2), 231–245.
Michael Coppedge, John Gerring, Staffan I. Lindberg, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jan Teorell, David
Altman, … Jeffrey Staton. (2017). V-Dem Codebook v7.1. Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem)
Project. Retrieved from
Mintz, A., & Stevenson, R. T. (1995). Defense Expenditures, Economic Growth, and the “Peace
Dividend”: A Longitudinal Analysis of 103 Countries. The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 39(2),
T. Eğri, B. Timur, Y. Bayraktar/ Seçilmiş Ortadoğu Ülkeleri için Ekonomik Büyüme ve Savunma Harcamaları İlişkisi: Panel Veri Analizi
150 Research Journal of Politics, Economics and Management, October 2017, Vol: 5, Issue: 5, Spesial Isue of ICPESS, pp.139-153
Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels (Working
Paper). Faculty of Economics.
Pesaran, M. H., Ullah, A., & Yamagata, T. (2008). A bias-adjusted LM test of error cross-section
independence. Econometrics Journal, 11(1), 105–127.
Sezgin, S. (1997). Country survey X: Defence spending in Turkey. Defence and Peace Economics, 8(4),
Sezgin, S. (2000). A note on defence spending in turkey: New findings. Defence and Peace Economics ,
11(2), 427–435.
Smyth, R., & Kumar Narayan, P. (2009). A Panel Data Analysis of the Military Expenditure-External
Debt Nexus: Evidence from Six Middle Eastern Countries. Journal of Peace Research, 46(2),
Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2013). İleri Panel Veri Analizi Stata Uygulamalı (2nd ed.). İstanbul: Beta Basım.
Ward, M. D., & Davis, D. R. (1992). Sizing up the Peace Dividend: Economic Growth and Military
Spending in the United States, 1948-1996. The American Political Science Review, 86(3), 748–
Yildirim, J., Sezgin, S., & Öcal, N. (2005). Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Middle
Eastern Countries: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis. Defence and Peace Economics , 16(4), 283–
Abu-Bader, S., & Abu-Qarn, A. S. (2003). Government expenditures, military spending and economic
growth: causality evidence from Egypt, Israel, and Syria. Journal of Policy Modeling, 25(6), 567–
Ahmed, A. D. (2012). Debt Burden, Military Spending And Growth In Sub-Saharan Africa: A
Dynamic Panel Data Analysis. Defence and Peace Economics , 23(5), 485–506.
Baltagi, B. H. (2013). Econometric Analysis of Panel Data (5 edition). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley.
Benoit, E. (1973). Defense and economic growth in developing countries . Lexington, Mass: Lexington
Benoit, E. (1978). Growth and Defense in Developing Countries. Economic Development and Cultural
Change, 26(2), 271–280.
Biswas, B., & Ram, R. (1986). Military Expenditures and Economic Growth in Less Developed
Countries: An Augmented Model and Further Evidence. Economic Development and Cultural
Change, 34(2), 361–372.
Chang, H.-C., Huang, B.-N., & Yang, C. W. (2011). Military expenditure and economic growth across
different groups: A dynamic panel Granger-causality approach. Economic Modelling, 28(6),
Dakurah, A. H., Davies, S. P., & Sampath, R. K. (2001). Defense spending and economic growth in
developing countries: A causality analysis. Journal of Policy Modeling, 23(6), 651–658.
Deger, S. (1986). Economic Development and Defense Expenditure. Economic Development and
Cultural Change, 35(1), 179–196.
DeRouen Jr, K. (2000). The guns-growth relationship in Israel. Journal of Peace Research, 37(1), 69–
T. Eğri, B. Timur, Y. Bayraktar/ Defense Spending and Economic Growth in Selected Middle East Countries: Panel Data Analysis
Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, Ekim 2017, Cilt: 5, Sayı: 5, ICPESS Özel Sayısı, ss.139-153 151
Dunne, J. P., Perlo-Freeman, S., & Soydan, A. (2004). Military expenditure and debt in South America.
Defence and Peace Economics , 15(2), 173–187.
Dunne, J. P., Smith, R. P., & Willenbockel, D. (2005). Models of Military Expenditure and Growth:
A Critical Review. Defence and Peace Economics , 16(6), 449–461.
Dunne, P., Nikolaidou, E., & Vougas, D. (2001). Defence spending and economic growth: A causal
analysis for Greece and Turkey. Defence and Peace Economics , 12(1), 5–26.
Peace Economics , 19(1), 27–35.
Faini, R., Annez, P., & Taylor, L. (1984). Defense Spending, Economic Structure, and Growth:
Evidence among Countries and over Time. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 32(3),
Farzanegan, M. R. (2014). Military Spending and Economic Growth: The Case of Iran. Defence and
Peace Economics , 25(3), 247–269.
Frederiksen, P. C., & Looney, R. E. (1982). Defense Expenditures and Economic Growth in
Developing Countries. The Journal of Economic Development, 7(1), 113–125.
Galvin, H. (2003). The impact of defence spending on the economic growth of developing countries: A
cross-section study. Defence and Peace Economics , 14(1), 51–59.
Greene, W. H. (2003). Econometric Analysis (5th ed.). ABD: Prentice Hall.
Gujarati, D. N. (2002). Basic Econometrics: 4th (fourth) edition (4th edition edition). McGraw-Hill
Companies, The.
Günlük‐Şenesen, G. (2001). Measuring the extent of defence expenditures: The Turkish case with
Turkish data. Defence and Peace Economics , 12(1), 27–45.
Güriş, S. (2015). Stata ile Panel Veri Modelleri . Istanbul: Der Yayınları.
Heo, U. (2010). The Relationship between Defense Spending and Economic Growth in the United
States. Political Research Quarterly; Salt Lake City, 63(4), 760–770.
Judge, G. G., Griffiths, W. E., Hill, R. C., Lütkepohl, H., & Lee, T.-C. (1985). The Theory and
Practice of Econometrics (2 edition). New York: Wiley.
Karadam, D. Y., Yildirim, J., & Öcal, N. (2016). Military expenditure and economic growth in Middle
Eastern countries and Turkey: a non-linear panel data approach. Defence and Peace Economics ,
0(0), 1–12.
Karagol, E. (2006). The Relationship Between External Debt, Defence Expenditures and Gnp
Revisited: The Case of Turkey. Defence and Peace Economics , 17(1), 47–57.
Kollias, C., Manolas, G., & Paleologou, S.-M. (2004). Defence expenditure and economic growth in
the European Union: A causality analysis. Journal of Policy Modeling, 26(5), 553–569.
Künü, S., Hopoğlu, S., & Bozma, G. (2016). Conflict, Defense Spending and Economic Growth in the
Middle East: A Panel Data Analysis. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues,
6(1), 80–86.
T. Eğri, B. Timur, Y. Bayraktar/ Seçilmiş Ortadoğu Ülkeleri için Ekonomik Büyüme ve Savunma Harcamaları İlişkisi: Panel Veri Analizi
152 Research Journal of Politics, Economics and Management, October 2017, Vol: 5, Issue: 5, Spesial Isue of ICPESS, pp.139-153
Landau, D. (1986). Government and Economic Growth in the Less Developed Countries: An
Empirical Study for 1960-1980. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 35(1), 35–75.
Lebovic, J. H., & Ishaq, A. (1987). Military Burden, Security Needs, and Economic Growth in the
Middle East. The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 31(1), 106–138.
Lim, D. (1983). Another Look at Growth and Defense in Less Developed Countries. Economic
Development and Cultural Change, 31(2), 377–384.
Looney, R. E., & Frederiksen, P. C. (1986). Defense Expenditures, External Public Debt and Growth
in Developing Countries. Journal of Peace Research, 23(4), 329–338.
Mercan, M. (2014). Feldstein-Horioka Hipotezinin AB-15 ve Turkiye Ekonomisi icin Sinanmasi:
Yatay Kesit Bagimliligi Altinda Yapisal Kirilmali Dinamik Panel Veri Analizi. Ege Academic
Review, 14(2), 231–245.
Michael Coppedge, John Gerring, Staffan I. Lindberg, Svend-Erik Skaaning, Jan Teorell, David
Altman, … Jeffrey Staton. (2017). V-Dem Codebook v7.1. Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem)
Project. Retrieved from
Mintz, A., & Stevenson, R. T. (1995). Defense Expenditures, Economic Growth, and the “Peace
Dividend”: A Longitudinal Analysis of 103 Countries. The Journal of Conflict Resolution, 39(2),
Pesaran, M. H. (2004). General Diagnostic Tests for Cross Section Dependence in Panels (Working
Paper). Faculty of Economics.
Pesaran, M. H., Ullah, A., & Yamagata, T. (2008). A bias-adjusted LM test of error cross-section
independence. Econometrics Journal, 11(1), 105–127.
Sezgin, S. (1997). Country survey X: Defence spending in Turkey. Defence and Peace Economics , 8(4),
Sezgin, S. (2000). A note on defence spending in turkey: New findings. Defence and Peace Economics ,
11(2), 427–435.
Smyth, R., & Kumar Narayan, P. (2009). A Panel Data Analysis of the Military Expenditure-External
Debt Nexus: Evidence from Six Middle Eastern Countries. Journal of Peace Research, 46(2),
Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2013). İleri Panel Veri Analizi Stata Uygulamalı (2nd ed.). İstanbul: Beta Basım.
Ward, M. D., & Davis, D. R. (1992). Sizing up the Peace Dividend: Economic Growth and Military
Spending in the United States, 1948-1996. The American Political Science Review, 86(3), 748–
Yildirim, J., Sezgin, S., & Öcal, N. (2005). Military Expenditure and Economic Growth in Middle
Eastern Countries: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis. Defence and Peace Economics , 16(4), 283–