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Abstract (2. Language): 
BII bibliography, "International Labour Organization" (International Labour Organisation) taralından "clearing-house" within the framework of the program, automation and advanced technology on social, economic and oi-tion made ​​in the field of international publications in the periodical bibliography compiled, arranged in again after being reviewed. M.Ç.T.. automation on economic and social fronts of books, articles, reports, etc.. Find a Publication of this material, such as collecting and about the nature of the subject and a brief summary of each one-Niu by preparing them regularly every six months, "International Labour Review" publishes. This bibliography mentioned in the magazine 1968 - 1968 (December) circuit realizing the eight edition is collected by us soyadlarma, kilap and papers have been classified according to types of re-*. This is referred to bibliyografya'da books and articles, it is possible their cases, it is. Those subjects related to the field of new information and selected from the original assays, although much attention has been given by the countries and the wide range of resources to keep. Another aspect of the above-mentioned bibliography, the degree of automation hand came to be displaced restricted to publications addressing the economic and social fronts poses.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bıı bibliyografya, "Milletlerarası Çalışma Teşkilâtı" (International Labour Organisation) taralından "clearing-house" programı çerçevesinde, otomasyon ve ileri teknolojinin sosyal ve ekonomik cepheleriyle ilgili oi-mak üzere milletlerarası sahada yapılmış yayımlardan derlenmiş bulunan periodik bibliyografyadan, yeniden gözden geçirilmek suretiyle tertiplenmiştir. M.Ç.T.. otomasyonun ekonomik ve sosyal cepheleriyle ilgili kitap, makale, rapor vs. gibi bülün neşriyatı toplamak ve bu malzemenin herbiri-niu konusu ve mahiyeti hakkında kısa bir özet hazırlamak suretiyle bunları her altı ayda bir muntazaman "International Labour Review" da yayınlamaktadır. Bu bibliyografya, adı geçen derginin 1968 - 1968 (Aralık) devresini kavrayan, sekiz nüshasından toplanmış olup tarafımızdan soyadlarma, kilap ve makale nev'ine göre yeniden tasnif edilmiştir*. Bu bibliyografya'da zikredilen kitap ve makaleler, mümkün olduğu kınlar, bu .sahada yeni bilgi ve orijinal tahlillerle ilgili konulara yer verenler arasından seçilmiş olmakla beraber, ülkelerin ve kaynakların geniş tutulmasına da gereği kadar Önem verilmiştir. Adı geçen bibliyografyanın diğer bir Özelliğini de, elden geldiği derecede otomasyonun ekonomik ve sosyal cephelerine değinen yayınlara inhisar ettirilmiş olması teşkil etmektedir.



ADAMS, J. J. and MOYER, J. E. "Arbitration and the Right to Automate" in Automation (Cleveland, Ohio), 14 (1), January 1D67, pp. 62-65.
ADVANCED MANAGEMENT JOURNAL (New York), 29(2), April 1964, pp. 1-100. Special issue on "Automation and Management".
AIGRA1N, P. "La Formation Permanente des Cadres Face aux Mutations du Monde Moderne", in Art et Metiers (Paris), October 1967, pp. 69-73.
ALLEN, A. Dale. "The Impact of Automation on the Maintenance Function-Some Empirical Conclusions", in Journal of Industrial Engineering (New York), XIX(8), August 1968, pp. x-xiv.
. "Automation in West und Ost: Probleme und Lösungsvorschlâge", in Deutsche Studien (Lüneburg), IV(15), September 1966, pp. 229¬318 (-325).
AUSTIN, R. W. "Who has the Responsibility for Social Change-business or Government?", in harvard Business Review (Boston), 43(4), July-August 1965, pp. 45-53.
O t o m a s y o n u n Sosyal ve E k o n o m i k Yönleriyle î l g i l i B i b l i y o g r a f y a 261
BAHRDT, H. F. "Automation-Konsequenzen der Veranderten Berufsstruk-tur", in I. G. METALL (G. Friedrichs, ed.): Automation, Risiko und Chance. Frankfurt, Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 1965. Vol. II, pp. 1035-1054.
BANYARD, C. W. "The Changes of Skill Required by Professional Accountants, Civil Servants and Clerical Workers, and How They can be Obtained", in Conference on Education and Training for Automation and Computation. Proceedings. (London, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1963), pp. 53-59.
BARBIER, Guy. "La Sociologie de L'Automation", in Etudes (Paris), April, 1965, pp. 474-490.
BARSY, J. DE. "Principes et Moyens d'une Politique D'Automatisation et de Gestion Scientifique dans la Grande Entreprise", in Industrie (Brussels), 21(10), October 1967. pp. 548-557.
BEAUMONT, Richard A. and HELFGOTT, Roy B. "Automation and People", in Automation (Cleveland), 11(4), April 1964, pp. 158-173.
BEIKA, Minoru. "Electronic Data Processing Systems in Japan", in KOBE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION; 12th Annual Report (1965), pp. 7-14.
BERENSCHOT, B. W. "Training to Meet Problems of Technological Change", in AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS: Proceedings of an International Conference, New York, 1963. pp. 347¬351.
BOLTZ, Roger W. "Automation and the American Consumer", in Automation (Cleveland), 11(4), April 1964, pp. 14-25.
BOWDEN (Baron Bowden of Chesterfield). "The Second Industrial Revolution", in New Scientist (London), 28(465), 14 October 1965, pp. 89-90.
BRIGHT, J. R. "Automation and Wage Determination", in CRISPO, J. H.
G. (ed) Industrial Relations. Challenges and Responses. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1966, pp. 19-59.
BRINCKLOE, W. D- "Automation and Self-hypnosis", in Public Administration Review (Washington, D. C.) XXVI(3), September 1966, pp. 149-155.
BRITISH IRON AND STEEL FEDERATION. "Computers in the United Kingdom's Steel Industry", Steel Review (London), 38(4-6), April 1965, pp., 4-6. -.
BROOKS, George G. "Advance Planning for Manpower Adjustments at the Plant Level and the Role of the Manpower Consultative Services", in ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT: The Requirements of Automated Jobs,
N u s r e t M. Ekiıı
North American Joint Conference, Washington, D. C. 8th-10th December 1964. Final Report (99 pp.) and Supplement (451 pp.). International Seminars 1964-3. Faris, 1965. Supplement: pp. 243-258.
BROZEN, Yale. "Putting Economics and Automation in Perspective", hx Automation (Cleveland), 11(4), April 1964, pp. 30-44.
BUCKUP, H. "Technische Entwicklung und Gesundheit", in I. G. METALL.
(G. Friedrichs, ed.): Automation: Risiko und Chance. Frankfurt, Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 1965. Vol. I, pp. 454-500.
BURACK, E. H. and CASSELL, F. H. "Technological Change and Manpower Developments in Advanced Production Systems", in Academy of Management Journal; Champaign (Illinois), 10(3), September 1967, p. 2S3-308.
CAIRE Guy. "L'Automation, les Travailleurs et les Syndicats", in Notes et Etudes Documentaires (Paris, La Documentation Française), No. 3511, 27 August 1968, pp. 3-29.
CANNON, L. "The Trade Union Attitude to Technological Change", in_ BRITISH PRODUCTIVITY COUNCIL: Automation and its Implications. London, 1965. pp. 34-40.
CRRISTMANN, Alfred. "Sociale Auswirkungen des Technischen Fortsch-ritts auf die Angestellten", in WWI Mitteilungen (Cologne), 18, February 1965. pp. 26-34.
CLAUGE, Evvan. "Effects of Technological Change on Occupational Employment Patterns in the United States", in ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OFERATION AND DEVELOPMENT: The Requirements of Automated Jobs. North American Joint Conference, Washington, D. C, 8th-10th December 1964. Final Report (99 pp.) and Supplement (451 pp.) International Seminars 1964-3.. Paris, 1965. Supplement: pp. 103-118.
CLAUGE, Ewan. "What Employment Statistics Show", in Automation. (Cleveland), 11(4), April 1964, pp. 48
CLAUSSEN, • Wilhelm. "Die tatigkeit der Bundesregierung auf dem Gebiet der Wirtschaftlichen und Sozialen Auswirkungen des Technischen FortschriUs'-. Paper submitted to the 2. Internationale Arbeilsta-gung der Industriegewerkschaft Metali fur die Bundesrepublik; Deutschland (on) Automation-Risiko und Change, Oberhausen 1965. Document p. 7 (Frankfurt am Main ?) 1965. (Processed) 23 pp..
CLEMENS, Rene. "La Participation des Travailleurs a la Decision dans, L'Entraprise, Procede D'Acceptation du Changement Technique" in Eavue du Travail (Brussels, Ministere de L'Emploi et du Travail de Belgique), 69(1-2), January-Febriary 1968. pp. 1-35.
O t o m a s y o n u n Sosyal ve E k o n o m i k Yönleriyle Îİgiii Bibliyografya 263
DEHMEL, H. "Entwicklungstendenzen der Betrieblichen Kaufmannischen Berufsausbildung aus der Sicht des Hauses Siemens", in Deutsche Berufs-und Fachschule (Wiesbaden), 63(5), May 1967, pp. 345-353.
l Union Leadership and Technological Change", Paper presented to the First World Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association, Geneva, 4-8 September 1967. Geneva, International Institute for Labour Studies, 1967. Mimeographed. 16 pp.
EVANS, Luther H. and ARNSTEIN, George S. "A Growing Picture of Education", in Automation (Cleveland), 11(4), April 1964, pp. 56-63.
FALTERMAYER, Edmund K. "The Drift to Early Retirement" (Fourth of a series on technology and the labour market), in Fortune (Chicago), 71(5), May 1965, pp. 112.
FAUNCE, W. and CLELLAND, D. A. "Professionalization and; Stratifica-.
tion Patterns in an Industrial Community" in American Journal of Sociology (Chicago), 72(4), 1967, pp. 341-350.
FRANCIS, J. P. "Technological Change, Productivity and Employment in Canada", in ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT: The Requirements of Automated Jobs. North American Joint Conference, Washington, D. C; 8th-10th December 1964. Final Report (99 pp.) and Supplement (451 pp.). International Seminars 1964-3. Paris, 1965. Supplement: pp. 37-48.
FRIEDRICHS, Giinter. "Automation im Wachsen", in Gewerkschaftliche Umschau (Hanover), 9(2), February 1965, pp. 29-31.
FRIEDRICHS, Giinter. "Planning and Social Adjustment to Technical Change at the Level of the Undertaking" in International Labour-Review (Geneva), 92(2), August 1965, pp. 91-105.
FRYER, J. L. "The Implications of Technological Change for Collective Bargaining", in Relations IndustrieUes-Industrial Relations (Quebec), 22(3), July 1967, pp. 411-421. Bibliographical( References,
GARBARINO, J. W. "L'Avenir des - Relations Industrielles aux Etats-Unis" Econcmie et Humanisme. (Lyons), November-December 1967. pp. 20-38. •
GILS, M. R.VAN. "Social-psychologische Aspecten van de Automatisering", in Mens en Onderneming (Haarlem), XX(6), November 1966, pp. 360-372 . .
GOLDBERG, J. V. and ROSS, P. "Two Views of the Longshore Situation", in Monthly Labor Review (Washington, D.C) 91(1), January 1968, pp. 1-13.
Nusret M . E k in
GOODWIN, Robert C. "Labour Force Adjustment of Workers Affected by Technological Change", in ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT. The Requirements of Automated Jofos. North American Joint Conference, Washington, D. C, 8th-10th December 1964. Final Report (99 pp.) and Supplement (451
pp.')' International Seminars 1964-3. Paris 1965. Supplement: pp. 277-291.
GREINERT, W. D. "Technischer Fortschritt und Berufsausbildung", in Die Deutsche Berufs- und Fachschule (Wiesbaden), (62(2) February 1966, pp. 103-113.
GROSS, F. "Consecuencias Sociales del Cambio Tecnologico", in Revista r Mexicana de Sociologia (Mexico City), 28(2), April-June 1966, pp. 377-409.
HAASE, P. E. "Technological Changes and Manpower Forecasts", in Industrial Relations (Berkeley, California), 5(3), May 1966, pp. 59-71, Tables.
. "Das Neue Schwedische Schulsystem", in I. G. METALL (G. - Friedrichs ed.): Automation: Risiko und Chance. Frankfurt, Euro¬' paische Verlagsantalt, 1965. Vol. II, pp. 669-697.
HANKE, Herbert. "Wissenschaftlich-technische Revolution und Berufsausbildung", in Berufsbildung (Berlin), 19(1), January 1965. pp. 3-5.
HARDEBECK, G. "Berufsausbildung in der Niederlândischen Metali- und elektrotechnischen Industrie", in I.G. METALL (G. Friedrichs, ed.), Automation: Risiko und Chance. Frankfurt, Europaische Verlag-sanstalt, 1965. Vol. Iİ, pp. 737-759.
HARTMANN, G. "Ordinateurs Electroniques et Besoins de Personnel Specialise", in Revue Syndicale Suisse (Berne), 60(1), January 1968-pp. 19-30.
HELFGOTT, Roy B. "Easing the Impact of Technological Change on Employees: A Conspectus of United States Experience", in International Labour Review (Geneva), 91(6), June 1965, pp. 503-520.
HELFGOTT, R. B. "E.D.P. and the Office Work Force", in Industrial and Labor Relations Review (Ithaca, New York), 19(4), July 1966, pp. 506-516.
HILL* W. A. "The Impact of E.D.P. Systems on Office Employees: Some Empirical Conclusions", nvAcademy of Management Journal (Bloo-mington, Indiana), 9(1), March 1966, pp. 9-1&.
HILTON, A. M. An Ethos for the Age of Cyberculture. Washington, J>. C, American Federation of Information Processing Societies (Proceedings of Spring Joint Computer Conference), 1964, pp. 139-153.
O t o m a s y o n u n Sosyal ve E k o n o m i k Yönleriyle İlgili B i b l i y o g r a f y a 265
e Social and Psychological Impact of the New Technology", in Economic and Business Bulletin (Philadelphia), 19(1), September 1966. pp. 4-10.
HOOS, Ida Russakoff. "Retraining in the United States: Problems and Progress", in International Labour Review (Geneva), 92(5), November 1965. pp. 410-425.
INLAND REVENUE STAFF FEDERATION, United Kingdom. Federation News (London), Automation issues: 21(4), October 1964; 22(2), December 1965; 22(3), April 1966; and 22(5) May 1967.
INTERNATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF FREE TRADE UNIONS, ASLAN TRADE UNION COLLEGE. "Automation and Trade Unions: A Case in India Examined in Context", in Asian Trade Unionist (New Delhi), 4(4), December 1966, pp. 21-27.
.INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE. "Technical Progress and its Social Consequences in the French Textile Industry", in International Labour Review (Geneva), 92(1), July 1965, pp. 51-62.
IREDALE, R. "The Road to Automatic Assembly", in New Scientist (Lon-. don), 31(514), 22 September 1966, pp. 672-675. .:
JAEGGI, U. "Der Einfluss der Rationalisierung und Automation auf die
Berufe", in Berufsberatung und Berufsbildung (Zurich), 50(5/6)
October 1965, pp. 131-137. • JUNGBLUTH, A. "Heraıisforderung der Arbeitswissenschaft Durch die
Automatisierung", in Arbeitswissenschaft (Mainz), 5(2), April 1966,
pp. 33-36.
JUDSON, A. S. "Successful Automation Requires Coping With Resistance to Change", in Automation (Cleveland, Ohio), 14(9), September 1967. pp. 54-60.
KABESH,' E. "Die Privatangestellten und die Automation", in Gesellschaft und Politik (Vienna), 2(3), 1966, pp. 20-27.
KAHN, M. L. "Airline Flight Crews: Adjustment to Technological Change in a Regulated Growth Industry", in INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS RESEARCH ASSOCIATION: Proceedings of the Annual Winter Meeting 1965. Madison, Wisconsin, 1966. pp. 124-138.
"KALACHEK, E. D. "Automation and Full Employment", in Vocational Guidance Quarterly (Easton, Pennsylvania), 15(4) June 1964. pp. 242-247.
KNOTT, M. and O'BRIEN, P. "When a Computer Moves in", in Personnel
Magazine (London), May 1967, pp. 28-30. KOREN, Stephan. "Die Automatisierung in der Österreichischen Industrie,
g des Konjunkturtestes", in Monatsberichte
des Österreichischen Institutes fiir Wirtschaftsforschung (Vienna),
37(11), November 1964, pp. 410-415.
Nusret M . E k in
KRAUCH, H. and SCHREIBER, K. "Forschung und Technischer Fortachritt im Bewusstsein der Öffentlİchkeit", in Soziale Welt (Göttingen).. 17(4), 1966, pp. 289-315.
. "The Influence of Technical Development on Changes in Work.
Functions and the Main Tendencies of Change in Personnel Structure", in Czechoslovak Economic Papers (Prague, Economic Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), No. 6, 1966, pp.. 45-63.
LAN TIER, Françoise and MANDON, Nicole. "L'evolution des Structures Professionnelles dans la Metallurgie Lyormaise - incidence des^ Pratiques D'Embauche et de Formation", in Bulletin du C.E.R.P. (Paris), 16(2), April-June 1967. pp. 79-170.
LARRABEE, E. "Time to Kill. Automation, Leisure and Jobs", in Nation (New York), 201(8), September 1965, pp. J98-202.
. "Responsibility for Technologically Displaced Persons", in.
American Institute of Industrial Engineers; Proceeding's of an International Conference, New York, 1963. pp. 355-358.
LAURENT, P. "Expose sur İes Aspects de la Reforme de L'Enseignement-Propres aux Enseignements Techniques", in Education Nationale (Paris), 22(793), 2 June 1966, pp. 7-8 and 32-34.
LEE, H. C. "Electronic Data Processing and Employee Perception of Changes in- Work Skill Requirements and Work Characteristics", in Personnel Journal (Swarthmore), 44(7), July-August 1965. pp. 365-370.
LEHMANN, Harry, "Die Automation und îhre Auswirkungen", in Arbeit,. İS en if und Arbeitslosenhilfe. Das Arbeitsamt (StrSttgart), 16(4), April 1965. pp. 73-79.
LEIBBRANDT, G. T. "Automatisering en Werkgelegenheid", in Economist (Haarlem), 113(4), April 1965. pp. 241-258.
LERNER, S. W. "The Impact of Technological and Economic Change on.
the Structure of British Trade Unions", paper presented to the First World Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association, Geneva, 4-8 September 1967. Geneva. International Institute for Labour Studies, 1967. 7 pp.
LEVINE, Louis. "Effects of Technological Change on the Nature of Jobs" in ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT: The Requirements of Automated Jobs. North American Joint Conference, Washington, D.C., 8th-10th December 1964. Final Report (99 pp.), and Supplement (451 pp.) International Seminars 1964-3. Paris 1965. Supplement: pp. 119-159.
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LIMON: D. L. "Veranderung der Beruflichen Anforderung der Automobil-Arbeiter", in I.G. METALL (G. Friedrichs, ed.), Automation: Risiko und Chance. Frankfurt, Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 1965. Vol. II, pp. 587-642.
LOUDON, L. W. D. "The Development of A.D.P. in a Manufacturing Company" in Personnel Practice Bulletin (Melbourne), 22(4), December' 1966, pp. 47-58.
LUCAS, Yvette. "L'Attitude des Ouvriers Devant L'Automatisation. Une Enquete dans Deux Entreprises", in Chaicrs D'Etude des Societes Industrielles et de L'Automation. (Paris, C.N.R.S., 1964) No. 6, pp,-47-68.
MACDONALD, D. "Labour Planning", in Canadian Labour (Ottawa), 10 (12), December 1965,'pp. 5-7.
MALLES, Paul. "Industrial Relations and Technological Change: Swedish Trade Union and Employers' Views and Agreements", in Industrial Relations (Quebec), 23(2), April 1968, pp. 265-294.
MARCHAND, J., HEMSWORTH, L. and SHEPHERD, H. L. "The Meaning of Mapower Policy", in Industrial Canada (Toronto), 67(3), July 1966, pp. 91-106.
MARENCO, Claudine. "Les Incidences de la Rationalisation du Travail de Bureau", in Revue Française du Travail (Paris), 18 (3-4), July-December 1964, pp. 63-80. (Originally Published by International Institute for Labour Studies. Conference on Employment Problems of Automation and Advanced Technology, Geneva, 1964. Document CEPA/V/4.)
MARKMANN, H. "Soziale Planung bei der Rationalisierung Eines West-Deutschen Hiittenwerkes", in I.G. METALL (G. Friedrichs, ed.), Automation: Risiko und Chance. Frankfurt, Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 1965. Vol. II, pp. 864-878.
McCARTHY, J. et al. "Information and its Processing by Computers", in Scientific American (New York), 215(3), September 1966, pp. 64¬260.
McKENNAvD).1" Operating Recrements of an Automatic Railway", in Monthly Bulletin of the International Railway Congress Association Brussels), 2(5), May 1965,' pp. 199-205.
MEANY, George; BROWN, Kenneth, J.; BEIRNE, Joseph A. and HOFFA, James R. "Labor Views Automation", in Automation (Cleveland), 11(4), April 1964, pp. 84-91.
MESTHENE, Emmanuel G. "How Technology will Shape the Future", in Science (Washington,. D. C), 161 (3837), 12 July 1968, pp. 135-143..
Nusret M . E k in
e Social Responsibility of Computer Specialists", İn Quarterly Bulletin, of the Computer and Data Processing Society of CanaÖaİ, (Ottawa), 5(3), April 1965, pp. 32-43 and 51.
MINISTERIE VAN BINNENLANDSE ZAKEN, RIJKPSYCHOLOGISCHE DIENST, NETHERLANDS. Literatuur Rapport Over: "De Sociaal-psychologische Aspecten van Automatisering." The Hague, 1G82. 21 pp. Bibliography.
MINISTRY OF LABOUR, United Kingdom. "The Occupational Effects of Technological Change", in Ministry of Labour Gazette (London), LXXV (7), July 1967, pp. 540-547.
MUHR, G. "Sozialpolitische Perspektiven der Automation", in I.G. METALL (G. Friedrichs, ed.): Automation: Risiko und Chance. Frankfurt, Europaische Verlagsanstalt, 1965. Vol. I, pp. 295-338.
MUMFORD, Enid. "Managers: Can They Live With the Computer-", in Personnel Practice Bulletin (Melbourne), 23(1), March 1967, pp. 7-15.
MUSTAFA, H. "Personnel Implications of Postal Mechanization", in Personnel Administration (Washington, D. C), November-December 1967. pp. 42-48. - .
. "Technischer Fortschritt und Gewerkschaftliche Tarifpolitik" in Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Mitteilungen (Düsseldorf), 21 (4-5'. April-May İ968, pp. 114-123. ',-X
NAVILLE, Pierre and ROLLE, Pierre. "Sur les Remarquss de M. Team".
in Cahiers D'Etude des Societes Industrielles et de L'Automation,
No. 6 (Paris, C.N.R.S., 1964), pp. 111-115.
NEULOH, O. "Automation and Leisure", in Science. Journal (London), 4(0, January 1968, pp. 79-83.
•ONO, Jiro. "On the Automation of Banking in Japan", in KOBE UNIVERSITY, RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION; 12th Annual Report (1965), pp. 97-110.
PAINE, F. T. and HYKES, D. R. "Automation and Motivation: A Theory of Management", in Personnel Administration (Washington, I*. C 29(1), January-February 1966, pp. 26-32.
PAUKERT, F. "Technological Change and the Level of Employment in Western Europe", paper presented to the First World Congress "f the International Industrial Relations Association, Geneva, 4-8 September 1967. Geneva, International Institute for Labour Studies, 1967. 20 pp.
PERROW, C. "Technology and Structural Changes in Business Firms", paper presented to the First World Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association, Geneva. 4-8 September 1967. Geneva, International Institute for Labour Studies, 1967. 14 pp.
O t o m a s y o n u n Sosyal ve E k o n o m i k Yönleriyle İlgili B i b l i y o g r a f ya
PORNSCHLEGEL, I-I. "Tarifpolitik und Techniseher Fortschritt in der Bun-desrepublik", in I. G. METALL (G. Friedrichs, ed.), Automation. Risiko und Chance. Frankfurt, Europâische Verlagsanstalt, 1965-Vol. II. pp. 991-1015.
: Some Underlying Psychological Processes', in Transactions of the Association of Industrial Medical Officers (Manchester), 15(3), July 1965. pp. 96-99.
QU1NET, F. "Collective Agreement Provisions Regarding Technological Changes", in Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations (Quebec), 21(3), July 196, pp. 370-380.
QUINET, Felix. "Implications of Technological Change for the Role of Statistics and Research in Collective Bargaining and Industrial Relations", in Study of Collective Agreements in Canada (Ottawa, Department of Labour, 1965), pp. 33-51.
RAFFLE, P.A.B. "Human Factors in Automation", in Transactions of the Association of Industrial Medical Officers (Manchester), 15(3), July 1965. pp. 88-95.
R AIM ON, R. L. "Changes in Productivity and the Skill-mix", in International Labour Review (Geneva), 92(4), October 1965, pp. 314-324.
RASKIN, A. H. "Automation-road to Lifetime Jobs?", in Saturday Review (New York), 47(48), 28 November 1964, pp. 14ff.
REINOUD, H. and PAIS, A. "The Evolution of Job Structures in Europe and North America", in O.E.C.D.: Manpower Aspects of Automation and Technical Change, European Conference, Zürich, 1 to 4 February 1966. Supplement to the Final Report. Paris, 1966. pp. 111-141.
REUTHER, Walter P. "Automation und Politik der Gewerkschaften", in I.G.
METALL (G. Friedrichs, ed.): Automation: Risiko und Chance. Frankfurt, Europâische Verlagsanstalt, 1965. Vol. II, pp. 1076-1100.
REVANS, R. W. "Managers, Men and the Art of Listening", in New Society (London), No. 123, 4 February 1965. pp. 13-1-5.
RHEE, H. A. "Office Automation", in Management International (Wiesbaden), (5/6), 1964, pp. 85-101. (Also in German, pp. 110-116).
ROBERTS, B. C. "Social Implications of Technological Change", in BRITISH PRODUCTIVITY COUNCIL: Automation and Us Implications. London, 1965. pp. 28-33.
. "Technique et Source de L'Autorite", in CENTRE NATIONAL-DE LA RECHERCHE SCIENTIFIQUE, CENTRE D'ETUDES SO-CIOLOGIQUES: Autorite, Technologie et Emploi. Paris, EditiOns-C.N.R.S., 1965. pp. 11-135.
. E k in
SAINSAULIEU, R. "Incidences du Changement Technique sur les Normes de Relations Interpersonelles Entre Ouvriers", in Revue Franeaise des Affaires Sociales (Paris), 21(1), January-March 1967, pp. 51-65.
SAXBERG, B. O. "Obsolescence of Empldoyee Loyalty Under Automation", / in European Business (Paris), 17 April 1968, pp. 59-65.
.SCHONNING, Gil. "Effects of Changing Industrial Structure on Occupational Trends", in ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT: The Requirements of Automated Jobs. North American Joint Conference, Washington, D. C, 8th-10th December 1964. Final Report (99 pp.) and Supplement (451 pp.). International Seminars 1964-3. Paris 1965. Supplement: pp. 89-102.
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