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Abstract (2. Language): 
Civitas Solis is a dream land, or a Utopia in which the truths of Campanella the Italian philosopher, who had to spend half of his life in prison because he refused to admit the political and intellectual deviances and ethical corruptions of his society, that wants to cry as loud as possible after his heart in the streets, are returned to life and appeared in flesh and blood. It is an island of the people who choose nature as a mentor and give their ears to the sound of Logos in the celestial harmony. It is a totally different realm of the seven circuits where a common life is adopted and the social order is structured around the principles of the Power, Wisdom and Love triad. It is a land ruled by the Sun, in other words, it is a land whose king is the Metaphysics. Shortly, it is an enchanted hope which Campanella instantly gave birth in the darkest recesses of his mind when he refused all political regimes experienced on the earth, and chased after it.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Yaşadığı toplumun siyasal-düşüncesel çarpıklıklarına, ahlaksal sapkınlıklarına karşı çıktığı için yan omrilnii zindanlarda geçirmek zorunda kalan italyan düşünürü Campanella'nm, sokaklarda gonlilnce, avaz avaz bagmp soylemek istedigi dogrulanmn ete kana bilrilniip dirildigi bir hayal ilkedir Civitas Solis, bir Utopia'dlr. Doga'Yl kllavuz alanlann, goklerin ahenkli tlmsmda Logos'un sesine kulak kabartanlann adast. Giine~in ya da ba~ka deyi~le Metafizigin kral oldugu, biltOn toplum dilzeninin Güç-Bilgelik-Sevgi üçlemesinin ilkelerine gore yaptlandlgt ve ortak bir ya~amm benimsendigi yedi çemberli bambaşka bir diyar. Klsaca, Campanella'nm yeryilzilnde deneyimlenen biltOn siyasal rejimleri elinin tersiyle ittigi anda zihninin zifiri karanhk ko~esinde bir anda yarattIgı ve peşine takIltp gittigi tılsımlı bir umut.