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TO FLEE OR NOT TO FLEE - THAT'S THE QUESTION: An Assessment of Flight as a Response to Plague by the Muslim and Non-Muslim Residents of the Ottoman Empire in the 16th Century

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Bu çal.şma on yüzy.lda Osmanl. İmparatorluğu’nda ikamet eden Müslim ve Gayrimüslim nüfusun veba salg.nlar. esnas.ndaki tav.rlar.n. incelemektedir. Çal.şmada, Ogier de Busbecq, Dr. John Covel, Evliya Çelebi, Giovanni Tommaso Minadoi gibi yazarlar.n seyahatnameleri ile Marino Sanudo’nun günlükleri kaynak olarak kullan.lm.ş, Jennings taraf.ndan inceleme konusu yap.lan Osmanl. kad. sicillerine de müracaat edilmiştir. Veba salg.n.n.n ortaya ç.kt.ğ. yerin terk edilip edilmeyeceğine dair teolojik tart.şma ise İdris-i Bitlisi’ye ait Risâletü'l-Ibaâ an Mevâki'i'l-Vebâ adl. risalenin on dokuzuncu yüzy.lda yap.lm.ş Türkçe çevirisi ve Düzdağ taraf.ndan haz.rlanm.ş Şeyhülislam Ebussuud Efendi’nin fetvalar. .ş.ğ. alt.nda değerlendirilmiştir. Bu incelemenin neticesinde elde edilen bulgular.n, veba söz konusu olduğunda dile getirilen İslamî “kaderci” tavra yönelik sabit fikir ile örtüşmediği görülmektedir.
Abstract (Original Language): 
This study analyses the behavior during plague outbreaks of both Muslim and non-Muslim residents in the Ottoman Empire in the 16 th century. To this end, the travelers' accounts of Ogier de Busbecq, Dr. John Covel, Evliya Çelebi, and Giovanni Tommaso Minadoi were consulted as well as the diary of Marino Sanudo. Another source of information formed the selected cases of Ottoman judicial records, as discussed by Jennings. The theogical aspects of flight in times of plague were illustrated using the nineteenth-century Turkish translation of the plague treatise Risâletü'l-Ibaâ an Mevâki'i'l-Vebâ by İdris-i Bitlisi and the fetvas of Ebussuud as edited by Düzdağ. The findings of this investigation were subsequently contrasted with the image of Islamic “fatalistic” attitude towards plague.



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BİTLİSİ -- , İdris-i Bitlisi, transl. by Mahmud Han "Hisnü'l-vabâ." (translation
of Risâletü'l- Ibaâ an Mevâki'i'l-Vebâ.)
COVEL (1998): Dr John Covel, Dr John Covel, Voyages en Turquie 1675-
1677, trans. Jean-Piere Grélois, Paris: Editions P. Lethielleux,
DE BUSBECQ (1968): Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, The Turkish Letters of
Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, Imperial Ambassador at
Constantinople (1554-1562), trans. Edward Seymour
Forster, Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1968.
DOLS (1977): Michael W. Dols, The Black Death in the Middle East,
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977.
DÜZDAĞ (1972): Mehmet Ertuğrul Düzdağ, Şeyhülislâm Ebussuud Efendi
Fetvalar. Iş.ğ.nda 16. As.r Türk Hayat., Istanbul: Enderun
Kitabevi, 1972.

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