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Online Journals in the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU): A User Survey

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Abstract (2. Language): 
With a sharp rise in the quantum of journals, every modern library has adopted them as an economically viable alternative to the print media. Some of the publishing agencies like the Chemical Abstracts Society have gone to the extent of bringing out only the soft copies. This paper is an attempt to assess the state of art of one of the most modern university libraries of the country, Jawaharlal Nehru University Library (New Delhi). Data for the study was collected through survey method from the students, research scholars and faculty members on various aspects of services pertaining to online journals accessible in the University. The role of online journals and their utilization in higher education has been discussed, focusing mainly on examining the status of the services available, their clientele, purpose and hurdles in retrieval. The user perception of services as well as the remedial measures for further improvement is discussed.



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