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Nefrotik Sendrom Kliniği ile Başvuran Aktif Akciğer Tüberkülozu: Olgu Sunumu

Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis Presenting with Clinic of Nephrotic Syndrome: A Case Report

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DOI 10.5262/tndt.2013.1001.21

Keywords (Original Language):

Abstract (2. Language): 
Tuberculosis (Tbc) continues to threaten humanity. Amyloidosis is one of the most common complication of Tbc. Proteinuria can be observed during the clinical follow-up and it may mimic nephrotic syndrome. In this case report, a 45-year-old man who was diagnosed with cavitary Tbc detected during the search for the etiology of the proteinuria was presented. The symptoms regressed with anti-tbc therapy
Abstract (Original Language): 
Tüberküloz (Tbc) halen insanlığı tehdit eden hastalıklardan biridir. Amiloidoz tüberkülozun en sık komplikasyonlarındandır. Tbc klinik seyrinde proteinüri izlenebilir ve nefrotik sendromu taklit edebilir. Bu olguda, proteinüri ayırıcı tanısı sırasında kaviter akciğer Tbc tespit edilen ve anti tüberküloz tedaviyle yakınmaları gerileyen 45 yaşında erkek hasta sunulmuştur.