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The purpose of this study was to investigate why some principals prefer to embrace certain leadership styles and the effect of such styles on the teachers’ attitude to work. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The random sampling technique was used to draw a sample of teachers and principals from the secondary schools in Abeokuta South Local Government Area. Structured questionnaire and interview were used to elicit information from the respondents. The questionnaire adopted the four point rating, which enabled respondents to indicate the extent of agreement or disagreement with the questionnaire items. The data collected were subjected to a number of statistical analyses, including frequency counts and percentages, t-test and x2-tests. The following were the finding of the study: The administrative styles adopted by the principals of secondary schools in Abeokuta South Local Government Area were found to be inadequate for effective school administration. The personality traits exhibited by the principals appeared somewhat harsh to their subordinates. Teachers in these schools were not adequately motivated and encouraged to carry out their duties.Based on the above findings it is recommended that principals in Abeokuta South Local Government Secondary Schools should not see themselves as all in all. They should involve their subordinates when taking vital decisions. There should be free flow of information in the schools. The work has implication for policy and practice of secondary education in Abeokuta South Local Government Area.



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