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The major purpose of this project was to assess and review the principal role of ICT in supplementing the General Quality Improvement program (GEQIP) in Western Harerghe, Ethiopia. The project also further analyzed the contribution of Information Communication Technology (ICT) to the indicators of GEQIP like quality, equity, access and internal efficiency. Challenges and prospects in ICT adoption to educational system was also area of focus in the project. Enabling Policy conditions availability in the GEQIP document to implement ICT for educational quality improvement was also assessed. To investigate the above issue, relevant data were collected from secondary data sources like previous studies, journals, government reports websites, books and other related were used. From the history and philosophical ground of education and its aids in the country, if it is applied properly, ICTs have a positive impact on attaining GEQIP target in the Western Hararghe, Ethiopia. The status of GEQIP implementations supported by ICT in the area in relation to regional wise was pointed out in some parameters. The SWOT analysis of ICT application was briefed in relation to the area. Especially, the key challenges in ICT adoption to supplement GEQIP target was listed like infrastructure, capacity building, language and contents, cost effectiveness and sustainability. Finally, the project concluded that ICTs have a great role and relevance to GEQIP target. However, the ICT materials like plasma-TV, internet laboratory, computers and specialized libraries for ICT lessons are not available or insignificant to students’ number and need. The institutional readiness in capacity building and skilled manpower is also not promising currently in relation to high skill gap in the project site. It recommends that filling the skill gap both in technical and political commitment, Stakeholders’ involvement and capacitating ICT with fund. It also recommends that the policy makers should revise the ICT lesson in the educational system.



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