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DIGITAL BROADCASTING and INTERACTIVE TELEVISION in DISTANCE EDUCATION: Digital And Interactive Television Infrastructure Proposol for Anadolu University Open Education Faculty

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Rapid changes and improvements in the communication and information technologies which emerged in the mid 20th Century and which are still being developed today require new methods, constructions, and arrangements in the production and distribution of information. We can easily say that Television has experienced the dexterity of presenting complex and difficult processes to comprehend concepts, subjects, and experimental studies to learners from different points of view. This is a result of 2D or 3D graphics and animations using audio visual stimulators and in doing so, it has replaced its technology from analog to digital leading to a digital-interactive. As such, it has also begun to convert the broadcasting technology in Turkey by adopting this direction. In the light of this approach, we can argue that television broadcast the infrastructure of Anadolu University Open Education Faculty needs to be replaced with a digital and interactive one. This study contains basic concepts of digital and interactive broadcasting and the new improvements. Furthermore, it incorporates the approaches of the fundamental groundwork to introduce a digital television broadcasting infrastructure.



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