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Tutor Computer Formative Teachers' Opinions on the Effective Use of Information Technologies at Schools: Trabzon Province Sample

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aim of this study is to determine the level of the use of information technology at schools in Trabzon and some evaluations about the problems faced during this process were done considering the formative teachers' opinions. The question which is "What are the opinions of formative teachers about the process of popularizing the effective usage of information technologies in schools?" was determined as the problem of this research. In the research conducted as a special occasion study, 9 teachers who work as tutor computer formative teachers in Trabzon, are determined as the sample group. Face to face interviews were conducted with the sample group on the problems and sub-problems of the research. First degree coding was applied on the data obtained by the interviews and themes were determined via this coding and data matrixes were set. Deductions were made by benefitting from the set data matrixes. The obtained results show that the use of information technologies at schools in Trabzon has been increasing but it hasn't reached the aimed level yet.



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