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Comparison of the Impacts of Telementoring Services on Protégés' Academic Achievements and Opinions

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The aim of the research is to compare the impacts of telementoring services, delivered using chat with video, chat with instant message, mobile phone, discussion board and video conference on protégés’ academic achievements and opinions. Telementoring services, made up with five different instruments, were administered to a group of protégés, composed of 38 university students. In the research, the multiple-choice achievement test, which consisted of twenty-four 4-point Likert items, was utilized in order to determine protégés’ academic achievements. On the other hand, protégés’ opinions were determined through open-ended questions. The research findings demonstrated that telementoring services formed through using different instruments do not significantly differentiate student achievements between groups. Moreover, positive and negative characteristics regarding the communication instruments used were defined based on protégés’ opinions.



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