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Abstract (2. Language): 
With the Tanzimat era (1839) in Ottoman period, the system of education which was running in religious axis, began to include different disciplines that corresponded practical needs of daily life and handled secular subjects. Sports and courses that necessitatemanipulative skills began to take place in the programs with the comprehension that people should also progress physically and spiritually. First of all, music courses that are known with the term „‟Gına‟‟ have an important place among these courses. The first samples of music courses can be accepted as some „‟ Girls‟ High Schools, Teacher Schools for girls (Darülmuallimat) since 1870s, „‟Mekatib-i İptidaiye Course Curriculum, prepared in 1914, the sample primary schools known as „‟Numune Mekatib-i‟‟ of the time and the music courses in the infant schools whose opening was adjudged with the law of Tedrisat-ı İptidaiye that was put into action in 1913. The music courses that we began to learn espacially in the final stage education programs of Ottoman Empire were expressed by the word “Gına” in the beginning. “Gına” meant “to sing”. Although there is not much knowledge that is based on document, it is expressed that mainly hymns and various pieces that tells the flatters to the king were performed in these courses. With the innovation movement in education that began with the reforms, we see that education programs have been glamourized with an understanding which appeals to the needs of daily life, which puts the individual more in the center and which aims to improve the spiritual side of humanbeings mainly with the artistic courses. The reflection of this understanding on the music courses includes an inevitable but a hard development process. In this parallel, the music courses that were defined as „”Gına” at the beginning of the process, have continued to take their places in the programs by being defined as “Musiki” afterwards. The reflection of innovation movements on the education has caused a more systematic pedagogic formation understanding that is based on the opinions of European educators and the preparation of a more appropriate education programs as parallel to the former. In this period when the wars, the pressure of wars, the loss of ground and the poverty were dense, independence, freedom, the love of nation and other notions like these were taught to the children with the education practices that began to innovate, and these notions became the driving power in winning the war and in the establishment of the new country. While the innovation movements in the education system have caused the addition of courses that are about daily life and practical life apart from religious courses and while causing the addition of Gına (Musiki) courses in the programs on one hand, the foundation of secular education systems has been laid on the other. The Era of Administrative Reforms has found a correspondance for itself in the social base as well, in connection with the child education of this period, many literary and artistic works for children have been produced and many studies have been made about teaching music among these works. That the music courses have begun to take place in the education programs has brought about the needs for musical documents that are necessarry for the music courses and the first “school music” books have begun to be produced. As the education programs cannot be thought separate from the social structure in which it was formed, some of the children songs in the piece that was studied, particularly reflectsthe sense, feelings and the needs of the period. In the children songs that are in the piece, variety of subjects is given and the subjects have been chosen by the fact that they reflect the feelings and the needs of the society. Among the music course books that are used in music courses, Zati (Arca) Bey‟s work named Talim-i Kıraat-i Musiki is accepted as the first book in the field of school music. Pedagogically, the book has guided to the books of music education which were produced in the republican period. The subjects in the children‟s songs which took place in the book that was first written in the year 1899 and whose 1925 edition was analysed in this research has shown the emotions, ideas, feelings and the needs of Turkish people of that time. The great agony resulted from the loss of the cities, the virtue of helping materially to the army that was struggling, the honour of Turkishness and the war of independence, and the importance of agricultural progress, production and being economical are the main topics dealt with in the songs that are in this book. The subjects that are dealt with in the songs that take place in the book are as follows: “Games, organs, days, numbers, seasons, the awareness of economy, the importance of studying, the love of God, nutrition, the love of nature, the love of father & mother, the importance of education, longing, heroism and love of country.” When compared to the studies that are about the variety of subjects in the songs that were written in the advancing years of the Republican period, we see that the subjects of the songs that take place in the piece named „‟Talim-i Kıraat-i Musiki‟‟ reflect a real pedagogic understanding and we also see that with its this characteristic, it pioneers to the similar music education books that are written after it.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Osmanlı Döneminde Tanzimat‟la birlikte (1839), o zamana kadar dini eksende işleyen eğitim sistemi, artık dünyevi konuları ele alan, günlük hayatın pratik ihtiyaçlarına cevap veren farklı disiplinleri de kapsamaya başlamıştır. İnsanın ruhen ve bedenen de gelişmesi gerektiği anlayışı ile sanat, spor ve el becerileri gerektiren dersler programlarda yer almaya başlamıştır. Müzik derslerinde kullanılan müzik ders kitapları içinde Zati (Arca) Bey‟in Talim-i Kıraat-i Mûsikî isimli eseri, Okul Müziği alanındaki ilk kitap olarak kabul edilmektedir. Kitap, pedagojik olarak cumhuriyet döneminde üretilen müzik eğitimi kitaplarına rehberlik etmiştir. Bu kitapta yer alan çocuk şarkılarındaki konular, Türk insanının o zamanki duygu, düşünce, hissiyat ve ihtiyaçlarına işaret etmektedir. Savaşta şehirlerin kaybedilmesinden kaynaklanan büyük üzüntü, mücadele eden orduya maddi olarak da yardım etmenin erdemi, İstiklal Savaşı ile Türklük gururu, tarımsal kalkınmanın, üretimin ve tutumlu olmanın önemi bu kitaptaki şarkılarda ele alınan başlıca konulardır. Kitapta bulunan şarkılarda ele alınan konular şu şekildedir: “Oyun, Organlar, Günler, Sayılar, Mevsimler, Tasarruf Bilinci, Çalışmanın Önemi, Allah Sevgisi, Beslenme, Doğa Sevgisi, Anne-Baba Sevgisi, Eğitimin Önemi, Özlem, Kahramanlık, Vatan Sevgisi.” Cumhuriyet döneminin ilk yıllarında yazılan „Talim-i Kıraat-i Musiki” isimli eserde yer alan şarkılardaki konu çeşitliliğini diğer çalışmalarla karşılaştırdığımızda, konuların doğru bir pedagojik yaklaşımla ele alındığını ve bu karakteristiğiyle de ondan sonra yazılan benzer müzik eğitimi kitaplarına öncülük ettiğini görmekteyiz.



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