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Abstract (2. Language): 
It is possible to come across, in the recent period, a more conscious use of the postmodernist features that emerged in Turkish literature towards the end of the 1980s. Murat Menteş is one of the authors applying postmodern narrative forms in his works in a successful manner. Ruhi Mücerret, which was published in 2013, is the last book of the author, who published Dublörün Dilemması in 2005 and Korkma Ben Varım in 2009. The book tells chip implantation in the head of the veteran of War of Independence, over one hundred years old, Ruhi Mücerret, and what happens afterwards. In this book, the author applies postmodern narrative elements such as a plot structure, a far cry from the classical novel structure, plurality, intertextuality and metafiction. The aim of this article, in this light, is to determine how these narrative elements are used in the novel and to express creation of the plot structure of the novel. As a result of reading done in line with this aim, it is seen that a lot of elements, which are not possible to be side by side on the real plane, are intertwined as three dimensional; elements from different ideologies and lifestyles are juxtaposed; ways of expressions belonging to underground literature as well as fantastic, romantic and historical features are presented, and different methods such as intertextuality, quotation, reference, repercussion, pastiche, and mocking are applied in the novel. The author also makes use of metafiction technique by including the reader in the writing process and by referring to his writing process and the fact that he creates imaginary characters in an imaginary world. This article argues that the novel, Ruhi Mücerret can be regarded as a postmodern narrative due to its technique, differences in narrative forms and impressive and unique style
Abstract (Original Language): 
Seksenli yýllarýn sonlarýna doðru Türk edebiyatýnda kendini gösteren postmodernist unsurlar, son dönemde daha bilinçli bir kullanýmla karþýmýza çýkmaktadýr. Postmodern anlatý biçimlerini eserlerinde baþarý ile uygulayan yazarlardan biri de Murat Menteþ'tir. 2005 yýlýnda Dublörün Dilemmasý, 2009 yýlýnda Korkma Ben Varým adlý romanlarý yayýmlayan yazarýn son kitabý 2013'te yayýmlanan Ruhi Mücerrettir. Yüz yaþýný aþmýþ Ýstiklal Savaþý gazisi Ruhi Mücerret'in beynine çip takýlmasýný ve ardýndan geliþen olaylarý anlatan romanda yazar, çoðulculuk, metinlerarasýlýk ve üstkurmaca gibi postmodernist anlatý tekniklerini romanýnda uygulamýþtýr. Bu makalenin amacý, romanda bu anlatý tekniklerinin nasýl kullanýldýðýný tespit etmek ve romanýn kurgulanýþ biçimini ortaya koymaktýr. B u doðrultuda yapýlan okuma sonucunda romanda reel düzlemde yan yana gelmesi mümkün olmayan pek çok unsurun üç boyutlu bir yapý halinde iç içe geçtiði, farklý ideolojilere ve yaþam tarzlarýna ait öðelerin yan yana kullanýldýðý, fantastik, romantik ve tarihi öðelerin yaný sýra yeraltý edebiyatýna ait ifade biçimlerine yer verildiði, metinlerarasý iliþkilerin kullanýmý ve bu doðrultuda alýntý, gönderge, yansýlama, öykünme, alaycý dönüþtürüm gibi yöntemlere baþvurulduðu görülmüþtür. Yazar ayný zamanda yazma serüvenine okuru dahil ederek, kurmaca bir dünyada sanal kahramanlarý anlattýðýna göndermelerde bulunarak üstkurmaca tekniðini kullanmýþtýr. Bu çalýþma Ruhi Mücerret adlý romanýn kullandýðý teknik unsurlar, anlatý biçimlerindeki farklýlýklar, þaþýrtýcý ve kendine özgü üslubuyla postmodern bir anlatý olarak nitelendirilebileceðini savunur.



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