Violence towards healthcare staff at emergency departmant of a public hospital: the rate of reported events of violence
Journal Name:
- Türkiye Aile Hekimliği Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Objective: There has been an increase in violence towards physi¬cians and healthcare staff in the health-care environment in recent years. The risk of violence remains stronger in people working in health institutions than the ones working in other businesses. We aimed to search violence towards healthcare staff and rates of event reporting in a public hospital emergency department.
Methods: The survey which is performed in fifty employees during face to face interviews. They were asked exposure to violence, type of violence and report or underreport of violance.
Results: In this study, 82% of emergency department healthcare staff reported the exposure to violence independent from sex, age, professional seniority (p<0.001). Verbal violence were found to be more common than physical violence and sexual assault (p<0.001). Emergency department, doctors (87.5%), nurses (100%) and laboratory workers (90.9%) were the most vulnera¬ble population to violence with respect to secretaries (50%) (p<0.005). The rate of violence reported events of violence was low (26.8%) (p<0.001). The most common cause of violence was prolonged waiting time for physical examination.
Conclusions: Although the incidince of violence towards health¬care staff at emergency departments were high, the most of the healthcare workers underreported their exposure to violance.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Amac: Son yillarda saglik sektoru galijma ortaminda saglik gali-janianna ve hekimlere yonelik fliddet eylemlerinde artifl gozlen-mektedir. Diger ifl alanlarina gore saglik sektorunde galijan insan-larin fliddete maruz kalma riskleri daha yuksektir. Bu galijmada, bir devlet hastanesi acil servisinde gorevli saglik galijanlarina yonelik fliddet ve fliddetin rapor edilip edilmedigini arajtirmayi planladik.
Yontem: Acil serviste galijan 50 saglik galijani ile yapilan yuz yu-ze gorujmelerde anket uygulandi. Jiddete maruz kalma, sebeple-ri ve fliddetin rapor edilip edilmedigi sorgulanmifltir.
Bulgular: Bu galijmada acil galijanlarinin %82'sinin jiddete maruz kaldigi ve jiddete maruziyetin cinsiyet, yaj ve mesleki kidemden ba-gimsiz oldugu bulunmujtur. Jiddetin en sik karjilajilan tipi sozel §id-dettir, daha az oranda fiziksel fliddet ve cinsel taciz gelmektedir (p<0.001). Acilde galijan doktor (%87.5), hemjire (%100) ve labo-ratuar galijanlari (%90.9), sekreterlik hizmetleriyle (%50) karjilajti-rildiginda istatistiksel anlamli olarak yuksek oranda jiddete maruz kalmaktadir (p<0.005). Saglik galijanlarinin fliddeti rapor etme oran-lari oldukga dujuktur (%26.8'dir) (p<0.001). Jiddet gormenin en onemli sebebi; muayene olabilmek igin beklenen siradir.
Sonuc: Acil servis galijanlarina yonelik jiddet oranlari oldukga yuksek olmasina ragmen, yajanan jiddet rapor edilmemektedir.
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