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Parasellar Yerleşimli Rüptüre Dermoid Kist: Konvansiyonel, FLAIR ve Difüzyon-Ağırlıklı MRG Bulguları

Ruptured Parasellar Dermoid Cyst: Findings of Conventional, FLAIR and Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Parasellar dermoid cysts are uncommon intracranial lesions. The rupture of a dermoid cyst which typically occurs spontaneously is relatively rare. Here we present the magnetic resonance imaging findings of conventional T1/T2- weighted sequences, fluid attenuated inversion recovery sequence and diffusion-weighted echo planar imaging sequence in ruptured parasellar dermoid cyst with generalized subarachnoid dissemination.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Parasellar dermoid kistler sık görülmeyen intrakranial lezyonlardır. Tipik olarak spontan oluşan dermoid kist rüptürü göreceli olarak nadirdir. Biz parasellar yerleşimli, dev boyuta ulaşan ve subaraknoid aralık içine rüptüre olan dermoid kistli bir olgunun konvansiyonel, FLAIR ve difüzyon- ağırlıklı MRG bulgularını sunmaktayız.



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