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Sığırlarda Respiratorik Distrese ve Asfeksiye Yol Açan Önemli Zehirlenmeler

Important Toxications of Cattle Causing Respiratory Distress and Asphexia

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Presented review, summarizes the ethiological factors, clinical and pathological findings and treat-ment options of some of the important toxications characterised with acute respiratory distress and asphexia in cattle such as NO2, H2S, 4-Ipomeanol, Organic Phosphorus Pesticides, Carbamates, Nitrite, Nitrate, Ciyanide and Arsenic.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Sunulan derlemede, sığırlarda akut solunum stresi ve asfeksiye neden olan NO2, H2S, 4-Ipomeanol, Orga-nik Fosforlu İnsektisitler, Karbamatlar, Nitrit, Nitrat, Siyanür ve Arsenik gibi zehirlenmelerin etiyolojileri, klinik ve başlıca patolojik bulguları ile tedavileri hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir.



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