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Practices and attitudes towards blood donation in health high school students

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Abstract (2. Language): 
There are very few studies demonstrating the awareness level of our society about “blood requirement” and “blood donation”. The aim of the present study was to investigate practices and attitudes towards blood donation among students from Kars Health High School. The study was conducted in Kars Health High School between March and May 2009. In the present study, was used a questionairre based on the literature review and that aimed to assess sociodemographic characteristics (18 items) and practices and attitudes towards blood donation (34 items). 291 students participated in this study. The obtained data were evaluated using descriptive analysis. It is observed that the students (12.0%) voluntary donate blood at a rate much above the Turkish average (1.5%), a great majority of the participants consider donating blood (61.5%) and most of them have positive attitudes and practices toward blood donation. A majority of students have positive attitudes and practices towards blood donation. However, donor recruitment programs and regular blood donation campaigns are required to increase the blood donation rate.



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