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Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and his thought on socialism in India: A critical evaluation

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In establishing an egalitarian society in India which is based on liberty , equality and fraternity and social justice, Ambedkar, the great Indian Constitution maker, struggled to find out avenues and means – intellectual, organizational and in terms of programs throughout his life. This study attempts to throw light on Ambedkar’s quest for socialism in India with special reference to Marxism and Buddhism. He accepted the concept of class struggle but he felt that in the Indian set up, it had to be substantially redefined and ascribed a similar agenda to the Buddha and agreed that one of the major contradictions of capitalism was the social basis of its production in contrast to private appropriation. He criticized Marxism for subscribing to economic determinism, for its inadequate grasp of liberal democracy, for its inability to adequately understand the realm of ideologies and for considering moral values as historically conditioned. Though Ambedkar described his scheme of economic organization of the Indian society as state socialism, in view of its other features, we believe it appropriate to identify it democratic socialism. Moreover, collective farming, one of the major features of his model of democratic socialism, needs to be thoroughly reconsidered as it lacked viability. It is somewhat inconceivable how he could achieve socialism by eliminating socio-economic inequality without undermining the basic economic foundation of society on which the system of inequality was founded. The inability to resolve this contradiction ultimately led Ambedkar to find solace in Buddhism, with an attempt to present its teachings ‘in a new light to suit modern class realities’. In fact, Ambedkar’s conversion to Buddhism was a ‘selfdeception’ and channeled the whole movement of workers and peasants led by him into ‘reactionary and metaphysical conceptions’.



1.B.R. Ambedkar, Annihilation of caste, Writing and speeches vol-1, p-47
2. Ibid, p-51
3. What congress and Gandhi had done to the untouchables? Vol-9, p-197
4. Dr.Tarun Banerjee(2007) Ambedkar’s ideas on Socialism, Politics and Society, p-46
5.Ibid, p-46
6..B.R .Ambedkar , Annihilation of caste vol-1, pp-44-46
7..Keer, Dhananjay, B.R.Ambedkar-Life and Mission ,pp-303-304
8. Ibid ,pp-304-305
9.Ibid, pp-304-305
10.W.N. Kuber, Dr.Ambedkar.- A critical study, pp-210-212
11. CAD, Vol-9, 1949, pp-944-945
12.B.R.Ambedkar: writing and speeches, vol-1, p-409
13. Ibid., p-408
14.Constituent Assembly Debates, vol-7, 1949, pp.494-495 and vol-1, 1946. p.98
15.Lokhande.G.S., B.R.Ambedkar, A Study in Social Democracy, p-34
16.B.R. Ambedkar, Writing and speeches., states and minorities , vol-1,p-387
18 .B.R.Ambedkar Writing and speeches, vol-1. p-397
20.Ibid., p-408.
21. Ibid., p-411
22. Lokhande, G.S, B.R.Ambedkar, A Study in Social Democracy,p-38
23.Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Writing and speeches . States and Minorities. Vol-1,p-412
24.Dr. Tarun Bannerjee, Ambedkar’s Ideas on socialism, Politics and Society,. P-52
25.CAD, Vol.1, 1946, p-57
26.Dr. Tarun Bannerjee. Ambedkar Ideas on Socialism, Politics and Society, p-44
27. Dhananjay Keer, Dr. Ambedkar - Life and mission. p-391
28. Ibid. p-447
29. Ibid.p-455
30. Ibid.p-391
31.Dr. Tarun Bannerjee, Ambedkar’s ideas on Socialism, Politics and Society.p-52
32. Ibid.p-52
33.W.N.Kuber,Dr.Ambedkar.- A critical study, p-226
34. P.P.Sanzgiri, op.cit, p 16
35. Earlier in 1935 he, for the first time, resolved to get converted into Buddhism and made an
announcement too to that effect. Ultimately, he was proselytized into this religion on 14 October
36. Dhananjay Keer, Dr. Ambedkar - Life and mission. P-490.
37 .Dr. B.R.Ambedkar , Writing and Speeches, vol-3. ch-18
38. Dr. Tarun Bannerjee. Politics and society, Ambedkar’s idea on socialism. P-54-55
39. Ibid. P-55
40.B.R. Ambedkar Writing and speeches vol-3 p-446
41 Dr. Tarun Bannerjee. Politics and society. Ambedkar’s idea on socialism ,p-55
42. Ibid. p-56
43. Ibid.p-56
44. Cited in A.K.Vakil, Gandhi-Ambedkar Dispute, Ashis Publishing House, New Delhi
45. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar: Writing and speeches vol-3 p-450-451
139) Cited in Dhananjay Keer op.cit. p358.
46. The Nature of Democracy, freedom and revolution, National Book Agency Private Ltd.,
Calcutta 1974. p-74
47. Some problems of Early Buddhism,’ in Rahul Sankrityayan, op.cit, p14.
48. Dr. Tarun Bannerje, Ambedkar’s idea on socialism, Politics and society, p-57
49.B.R .Ambedkar, Buddha or Karl Marx, Writing and Speeches,vol3,p451.
50. P.P.Sanzgiri, op.cit, pp 19-20.
51. W.N.Kuber, Dr.Ambedkar: a critical Study, op.cit., p307.

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