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Opinions of the physical education and sports candidate teachers about reading

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This research aimed at exploring reading habits, opinions and attitudes about reading of the candidate teachers who studied at School of Physical Education and Sports of Adnan Menderes University. A questionnaire form -the first part of which addressed demographic questions and the second part targeted at candidate teachers’ opinions and attitudes about reading- was administered to 102 candidate teachers who participated in the research voluntarily (female candidate teachers= 39 and male candidate teachers=63). Attitude Scale towards Reading Habit is a Likert type scale consisted of six subscales and contains 30 questions. Its validity and reliability tests have been performed. Percentages, Mann-Whitney Test and Kruskal-Wallis Test were conducted for the data analysis. As results of the research, values obtained for female candidate teachers’ reading habits and desire to read were higher than male teachers in all six subscales and also there was a significant difference in love, habit, desire and benefit subscales and general total scores (p<0.05). Female and male candidate teachers emphasized the importance of reading whereas effects and benefits of reading were adopted by female candidate teachers more.



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