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Assessment of physics teachers' attitudes towards internet use in terms of some variables

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The widespread use of internet implies the idea that it can also be more widely used for educational purposes. In this respect, since physics teachers have a very important function in education, to determine physics teachers’ attitudes towards internet use is also important. In the literature it is possible to see many studies on teacher candidates’ attitude towards internet use; “however studies on appointed teachers’ attitude are not very common. In our study, which aims to determine the attitude of appointed teachers according to different variables, we used the Internet Use Attitude Scale. For the teachers that took part in the study the attitude towards internet use was analyzed and interpreted according to the variables of gender, years on the job, type of school at which they are teaching, and duration of their weekly internet use. It was seen that a vast majority of the teachers have personal computers, they connect to internet at home and have positive attitude towards internet use. It was also seen that female teachers have more positive attitude than male teachers in use of internet for social interaction and communication.



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