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Abstract (2. Language): 
In the 1980s, strategic management understanding has been developed. With this understanding business have looked costing and pricing objects from different viewpoint. Especially, cost has been a new gun for business in competitive environment. In companies that product new and different products cost determination has came big problem. Except for direct sources like material and labor, overhead took an importance in product costs. Especially,in classical product costing systems overhead definition and allocation did not give answer to new developments. Because of this, in 1990s a new tehnique developed : Activity - Based Costing . In activity - based costing model there are two dimensions. First, cost allocation dimension In this cost allocation dimension , cost objet like product, service and customer costs has determineted with activity - based. With this tehnique, product cost determination follow two - stage model. At first, resorces' costs allocate to activities with resorces drivers. The first - stage allocation is used to evaluated the performance of manger responsible for cost pool. And at second, activities' costs allocate to cost object with activity driver. The second - stage is used to cost products. In first stage must use resorce driver for resorce costs allocation. And, in second stage, must activity driver for product costing. Activity - based costing systems focus on the activities performed to products in the manufacturing process. A manufacturing activity - based costing system identifies and classifies the mahor activities of a facility's production process in to one of following five categories: unit - level activities , batch - level activities, product-level activities, facility - level activities and customer - level activities. Activity -based costing is viewed as a model of how an organization's resoruces are consumed, not as a model of organizational spending. Activity - based costing help managers estimate changes in resources that will be consumed as a consequence of particular decisions. The decisions that took will shape company's strategic plans. For designing activity-based costing system, the first step will be aggregating activities. After then, drivers must be selected. There are two different drivers: resorce drivers and activity drivers. The horizontal dimension of activity-based costing contains the process view. İt provides information about the wor done in an activity and the relationship of this work to other activities. The process dimension of activity - based costing model includes has three parts. Cost drivers, activities and performance measurures. Cost drivers are factors that affects the costs of an activity. Cost drivers give information about that why an activity is performed. Performance measures play role as a indicators. These are either financial or non - financial. Performance measures tell how well an activity is performed. For desining an activity - based costing system many steps must be completed. In activity -based costing system both cost assignment dimension and process dimension must be well designed. In these dimensions any parts must be defined. Especially, activities must be, firstly, defined and aggregated. Activity - based costing system understanding will give managers to different point of view. Because of many advantages, many companies has started to use activity - based costing for last ten years.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Stratejik yönelim anlayışının 1980" lerden itibaren kabul edilmeye başlaması ile işletmeler , maliyet ve fiyat lama gibi konular üzerine daha hassas eğilmişlerdir. Özellikle maliyet, sadece üretim çıktılarının parasal değeri olarak ifade edilmekle kalmayıp müşteri tatmini, işletme performansı ve rekabetçi baskıları karşılamada işletmenin önemli bir silahı haline gelmiştir. Çok sayıda ve farklı ürün üreten işletmelerde, direkt olarak yüklenen giderler dışındaki giderlerin bu ürünlere ve ürün karmasına hatalı ve eksik olarak yüklenmesi sonucunda üretim maliyetleride yanlış olarak hesaplanmaktadır. Rekabetçi ortamda, maliyet unsuru olarak belirlenen ürün, hizmet veya müşterilerin gerçek maliyetinin hesaplanması amacıyla da faaliyet tabanlı maliyetlendirme sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Sadece finansal olarak maliyetlerin hesaplanması ile sınırlı kalmayan bu anlayış finansal olamayan verilerle de performans değerlemesi boyutuna girmektedir. Rekabetçi koşullarda avantaj elde edilmesi, işletmenin pazardaki yerini koruması ve yeni pazarlara girmede işletmeye avantaj sağlaması açısından maliyet, önemli bir rekabet silahı olmuştur. Bu nedenle de son yıllarda faaliyet tabanlı maliyetlendirme, bir çok işletme tarafından uygulanmaya başlamıştır.



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