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DEGISIME HAZIR MISINIZ? Basarili Orgutsel Yeniligin Onculleri Olarak Orgute Guven ve Degisime Hazir Olma: Kavramsal Model Onerisi ve Temel Bulgular

READY TO GO…? Trust in Organization and Readiness to Change as Predictors of Successful Organizational Innovations: Conceptual Model with Preliminary Support

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Trust has been a long triggering construct for scholars across various disciplines. While individual level trust has been extensively dealt with by scholars in psychology; trust among strategic partners has been analyzed in extant research by strategy scholars. In the cross section of the two disciplines, organizational behavior researchers have shown attempts to link individual level trust to organizations. This paper is an effort to evaluate the trust in organization construct. Following this core objective, we aimed to combine trust in organization to perceived success of organizational level innovation. Yet, we content that readiness level of employees for change will be a mediator between trust in organization and perception of success of organizational level innovation. Qualitative insights from depth interviews allowed us to revise our model and advocate on methodological suggestions for further research avenues.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Guven konusu, pek cok farkli disiplinde uzun suredir tartisilan bir konu olmustur. Bireysel duzeyde guven olgusu psikoloji yazininda cok tartisilmisken, kurumlar arasi guven strateji arastirmalarinin temel noktalarindan biri olmustur. Iki disiplinin orta noktasinda, bireysel duzeydeki guveni kuruma baglayan calismalarin sayisi son derece azdir ve bu calisma, bireylerin kuruma duyduklari guveni arastirma amaciyla yapilmistir. Ikincil amacimiz, kuruma duyulan guven duygusunu algilanan kurumsal basariya baglamak ve iki degisken arasinda degisime hazir olma durumunun araci etkisini arastirmak olmustur. Mulakatlar sonucunda elde ettigimiz bilgiler, modelimize yeni degiskenlerin eklenmesini saglamis ve bakis acimizi zenginlestirmistir. Bulgular ve kavramsal model, yazina kuruma guven noktasinda katki saglamayi amaclamaktadir.



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