
Sprey Piroliz Yöntemiyle Elde CuInS2 Polikristalin Filmlerin Yapısal ve Morfolojik Özellikleri (Seri A)

Structural and Morphological Properties of CuInS2 Polycrystalline Films Obtained By Spray Pyrolysis Method (Series A)

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Abstract (2. Language): 
CuInS2 semiconductor films were prepared at three substrate temperatures on glass substrates by spray pyrolysis method. The X-rays diffraction (XRD) spectra of the films have shown that the films produced are polycrystalline and chalcopyrite in structure. The texture coefficients were evaluated for different substrate temperatures. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) surface micrographs show different morphologies of the surface grains, which are dependent on temperature.
Abstract (Original Language): 
CuInS2 yar›iletken filimleri püskürtme yöntemiyle cam tabanlar üzerine üç farkl› taban s›cakl›klar›nda elde edilmifltir. X-›fl›n› k›r›n›m desenlerinden filmlerin chalcopyrite ve polikristal yap›da olduklar›n› saptanm›flt›r. Yap›lanma katsay›s› farkl› taban s›cakl›klar› için de¤erlendirilmifltir. SEM yüzey analizleri s›cakl›¤a ba¤l› olarak yüzey taneciklerinde farkl› morfolojiler göstermifltir.



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Sabiha AKSAY

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