
Designing Meaningful KM Processes to Improve Organizational Learning

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There is an urgent need to develop and implement meaningful knowledge management processes for capturing tacit knowledge of individuals leaving the organizations due to attrition or otherwise. Developing, sharing, retaining, and leveraging knowledge are integral to knowledge management processes. Leveraging knowledge is manifested in learning and thus, knowledge management and organizational learning are intricately related. Knowledge management processes are often invisible and integral to more obvious and significant business processes that are employed to deliever products and services. However, the underlying knowledge management processes are critical to capture and utilizing them to improve effectiveness and efficiency of organizational performance. Using literature review findings and two independent research studies, knowledge management processes at four levels -organization process, knowledge flow process, learning/low process, and management and leadership process are presented in this paper. All these processes must be integrated and employed together.Further, it is important to recognize the dynamic nature of these processes to meet changing organizational needs. The paper begins with an introduction to underline the necessity and importance of formalized KM processes in organizations. Next, review of the literature focuses on research studies dealing with knowledge management processes in order to be familiar with the current understanding of the subject. Finally, recommendations to integrate all these knowledge management processes are discussed for better organizational performance.



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