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Abstract (2. Language): 
This commentary focuses on the UK and the Scottish press coverage generated around the murder of an asylum-seeker called Firsat Dağ in Glasgow in August 2001. It also raises wider issues about the social responsibility that rests with journalists and newspaper editors covering such events. In this case press coverage of the murder was sensational and not always accurate. Most of the journalists were impartial and moreover they helped promote stereotyping of both Glaswegians and asylum seekers. Journalists could have provided a better background to the rising tensions and facilitated the views of all parties to allay fears. However they neglected to report on misperceptions voiced by Scottish people. They did not suggest solutions to the problems rather they blamed first the asylum- seekers, then the locals. Nearly all the papers reported that the attack toas racially motivated although the Strathclyde Police detectives did not confirm that this was the motive for the murder. Moreover the oscillating viewpoint that was expressed by the Scottish and UK national press only confused the issues rather than helping clarify them for the reader. For a more informed debate about the asylum issue it is necessary to be impartial journalists and offer a voice to all sections involved.



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