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Abstract (2. Language): 
.- Tuberculosis of female genital organs in adolescent has been rarely reported. In the most common form, involvement of the fallopian tubes and co-existence of endometritis is seen. On occasion, tuberculous salpingitis can be easily misdiagnosed as adnexial tumour or acute appendicitis. An 11 year-old girl was referred to our clinic from another hospital for the right ovarian tumour and ascites. She was evaluated with clinical and laboratory exams, PPD, ultrasound and computed tomography as well as the cytologic examination of the peritoneal fluid. Tuberculosis was diagnosed and antituberculous chemotherapy with izoniazid, rifampin and pyrazinamide was initiated. The response to chemotherapy was excellent, clinical findings disappeared in one month and all radiological findings disappeared in three months. Tuberculosis still represents a severe problem in many developing countries of the world. For this reason on should think about tuberculosis in adolescent girls with pelvic and abdominal pathology.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Tüberküloz hidrosalpinks çocuklarda oldukça nadir görülmektedir. Pelvik tüberkülozda en sıklıkla tubalar tutulmaktadır. Birçok olguda ön tanı adneksiyal tümör yada akut apandisit olmaktadır. Sağ over lojuna uyan bölgede kistik kitle ve batında loküle asit saptanarak over tümörü ön tanısıyla hastanemize sevkedilen 11 yaşındaki kız hastada, tüberküloz hidrosalpinks ve peritonit saptandı. Üçlü antitüberküloz tedavi sonrası bir ayda klinik, üç ayda radyolojik bulgular tamamen düzeldi. Gelişmekte olan ülkelerde tüberkülozun halen ciddiyetini koruyan bir hastalık olduğu gözönüne alınarak, başarıyla tedavi edilen tüberküloz hidrosalpinksli çocuk olgumuz literatür eşliğinde irdelenmişdir.



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