
Göz tutulumlu Behçet hastalığında siklosporin-A ve bromokriptin kombine tedavisinin görsel sonuçları

Visual results of combined cyclosporine-A and bromocriptine treatment in ocular Behçet' s disease

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The effects of combined low-dose cyclosporine-A (4 mg kg day) and bromocriptine (".5 mg day) treatment on visual acuity and frequency of ocular attacks were studied in 13 ocular Behçet patients. Duration of treatment was between 5 and 25 months. There was a significant (p< 0.05) decrease in frequency of ocular attacks- in almost all the patients compared to periods of treatment with other drugs. Initial visual acuity was preserved or became better in 76.9 % of patients. However, a decrease in visual acuity was observed in 23.0 %. The difference in increased visual acuity between convantional and combined therapy groups was not significant (p>0.05). Increase in creatinin level was observed only in one patient and treatment was discontinued, (iingival hyperplasia (3 patients), hirsutism (3 female patients), decrease in libido (2 male patients), fine tremor of hands (1 patient), parestesia (2 patients) and headache (2 patients) were observed during treatment. Neuro-Behçet symptoms appeared in two patients. [Journal of Turgut Özal Medical Center 1(2): 112-116 ,1994
Abstract (Original Language): 
Onüç oküler Behçet Hastasında ortalama 13.3 (5-25) aylık düşük doz siklosporin-A (4 mg kg gün) ve bromokriptin (" 5 mggün) kombine tedavisinin görme keskinliği ve oküler atak sayısına etkinliği incelendi. Hastaların hemen hepsinde, diğer ilaçlarla tedavi oldukları doneme kıyasla oküler atak sayısında anlamlı derecede (p<0.05) azalma oldu. Hastaların % ~6.9' unda başlangıç görmenin korunduğu ya da daha iyiye gittiği ancak % 23.0' ında görme azalması olduğu gözlendi. Ancak görme keskinlikleri farkı anlamlı değildi (p>0.05). Sadece bir hastada kreatinin yükseldi ve tedavisi kesildi. 3 hastada gingival hiperplazi. 3 bayan hastada hirsutizm, 2 erkek hastada libido azalması, 1 hastada ince el tremoru, 2 hastada parestezi ve 2 hastada başağrısı gözlendi. 2 hastada Nöro-Behçet bulguları ortaya çıktı, diğer bir hastada da mevcut \öro-Behçet klinik tablosunda artma oldu. [Turgut Özal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi 1(2): 112-116.1994}



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