
Farklı tuz (NaCl), nitrat (KNO3) ve bazı Hesperis türlerin tohumlarının çimlenmesi üzerine asit (HCl ve H2S04) konsantrasyonları Etkileri

Effects of different salt (NaCl), nitrate (KNO3) and acid (HCl and H2S04) concentrations on the germination of some Hesperis species seeds

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Germination responses of 14 Hesperis species (Hesperis aspera, H. bicuspidata, H. campicarpa, H. cappadocica, H. hedgei, H. laciniata, H. matronalis, H. pendula, H. persica, H. podocarpa, H. schischkinii, H. stellata, H. theophrasti subsp. sintensii, H. transcaucasica) distributing naturally in Turkey were tested in this study at different salt (NaCl), nitrate (KNO3) and acid (HCl, H2SO4) concentrations (Control, 0.5, 1, 2, 3%). Low salt concentration blocked seed germination of eight taxa (Hesperis aspera, H. campicarpa, H. cappadocica, H. laciniata, H. pendula, H. persica, H. stellata, H. transcaucasica) and also declined seed germination ratio and speed of the others. Although low potassium nitrate concentrations increased germination of all species except H. hedgei, its increasing concentrations decreased it. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) blocked germination percentage and speed completely of eight taxa (Hesperis aspera, H. bicuspidata, H. campicarpa, H. cappadocica, H. hedgei, H. pendula, H. persica, H. theophrastii subsp. sintenisii), while the other six species germinated in its low concentrations. Similarly, sulphuric acid (H2SO4) obstructed germination of all except two species, H. podocarpa and H. transcaucasica germinated in low H2SO4 concentration. Significant differences in sensitivity to salt, nitrate and acid were determined among the 14 Hesperis species (p<0.05).



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