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Abstract (2. Language): 
A primary cause of localised ridije defects is the loss of bone prior to or during tooth remove!. This may be due to developmental defects, periodontal disease, vertical loolh fracture, abses formation, surgical trauma, or traumatic injury. These defects was seen such as buceo-lingual loss of tissue with normal ridge height in an apico-coronal dimension, apico-coronal loss of tissue with normal ridge width in an bucco-Iingual dimension; and combination bticco-lingual and npico-eorooaJ loss of tissue resulting in a loss of normal night and width.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Lokalizc akeoler krel defektlerinin primer sebebi diş. çekimi yada kemik kayıplarıdır. Bu dcfcfctlcr; travmatik yaralanmalar, cerrahi travmalar, apse teşekkülü, vertîkal diş. Irak türleri, periodontal hastalıklar vc gelişimsel defektkr sonucu olabilir. Bunlar; normal apiko-kronal yüksekli kretin auceo-lm{;ual yönünde azalma, normal bucco-lingua] genişlikteki kretin apıco-kroıiül yönünde a/alma veya bunların kombinasyonu olarak görülebilir.



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