Product development process using multiple criteria decision making approach
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The globalization of the economies diminishes the
differences between local and foreign products/ services.
Nowadays, both the number of the product/
service providers and also the variety of the place of
the origins are increasing. Consequently, the firms
are facing a tough competition while trying to keep
and increasing their market shares. Unavoidably,
the firms began to look out for the little differentiations
which will ensure their success over their competitors.
Thus, they are developing products/services
tailor-made for their customers. The main idea behind
all these efforts is to determine somehow the
requirements of the customers and to ensure that,
the products produced and the services provided will
satisfy these needs.
In this work, an application in the area of elearning,
which is a term recently established following
the late developments in the area of the networks
like the Internet, is proposed. E-learning can
be basically defined as, the transformation from the
face-to-face conventional education into distance
based, independent from time and place education
form. Its main difference from the conventional education
is that, previously the academics controlled
the pace, place, time and the presentation of the
education, whereas, now, e-education gave the control
of these attributes to the learners. As the decision
makers are the learners during the e-learning
process, new development procedures should be
prepared differing from the procedures of conventional
type of learning. In order to ensure the satisfaction
of the customers with the new developments,
their needs should be known forehand. Additionally
the attention of the customer could only be kept
alive, not only by satisfying their current needs, but
also foreseeing their future needs, when developing
the products/services. Thus, in this study, Quality
Function Deployment (QFD), which is one of these
key design activities, is used to solve the product
definition problem during the new product development
process. The aim is, to study, evaluate and
suggest improvements for the e-learning applications
in Turkey, in order to satisfy the customers.
The QFD methodology, which will be used to develop
e-learning products, is defined as, a customeroriented
design tool with cross-functional team members used to develop new products/ services or
to improve current products/services regarding the
needs and the requirements of the customers. QFD
tries to satisfy the customers at the initial production
stage, namely the design stage, preventing corrective
actions to be made after the product has been
produced. QFD starts after the development team
consisting of team members from all the divisions of
the organization reaches a consensus in the identification
of the Customer Needs (CNs), which will be
used during the design process. This data, will be
used to establish the ‘house of quality’, which is a
king planning matrix transforming the CNs into
measurable Product Technical Requirements
(PTRs). During the development process, both the
needs meaningless and the needs crucial for the customers
are distinguished to ensure to remove or include
them according these finding. In order to
categorize the needs as mentioned, the inner dependencies
among the CNs, the relationships between
the CNs and the PTRs and lastly the inner
dependencies among the PTRs should be measured.
According to these relationships, it will be foreseen,
how and in which direction, a modification in the
design of the product could affect the CNs. The proposed
approach tries to solve the problem of measuring
the CNs and requirements which are usually
expressed in customers’ own phrases. It consists of
fuzzy logic theory integrated with Analytic Network
Process (ANP), Compromise Programming (CP),
linear regression and Goal Programming (GP)
methods. The ANP is used to identify the importance
ratings of the PTRs which will maximize the satisfaction
of the CNs, with regard to the relationship
between and among the CNs and the PTRs. The CP
employed identifies the ideal and the anti-ideal performance
values for the CNs and the distances from
them for each product in the market. As the distances
for each CN are summed, the distance value
indicating the performance of this product is defined.
Fuzzy linear regression is integrated to the
model to integrate the relationships between the CNs
and the PTRs into the GP model. The GP model uses
the best products distance value as the goal along
with the budget limitation of the organization. The
solution to the optimization model defines the target
PTR performance values to be the best product in
the market by satisfying the customers.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Ekonomilerin küreselleşmesi ile beraber pazarlardaki yüksek rekabet, ürünlerin ve servislerin kalitesinin
güvence altına alınmasını sağlayan ürün/servis geliştirme ve iyileştirme yöntemlerinin önemini
arttırmıştır. Bu stratejik kalite yönetimi araçlarından biri de, Kalite İşlev Konuşlandırma
(KİK) (Quality Function Deployment-QFD)’dır. KİK yöntemi, müşteri talep ve ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda
yeni ürünlerin/hizmetlerin tasarımı veya mevcut ürünlerin/hizmetlerin geliştirilmesi için organizasyon
içinde farklı işlevleri olan takım üyelerinin kullandığı müşteri-odaklı bir tasarım aracıdır.
KİK, müşteri memnuniyetini, üretim sürecinin ilk aşaması olan tasarım aşamasında sağlayarak,
ürün üretildikten veya hizmet sunulduktan sonra gereken düzeltme çalışmalarının önüne geçmeyi
amaçlamaktadır. KİK’nın temel girdisi olan müşteri istek ve gereksinimleri, müşteriler tarafından
sözcüklerle ifade edildiklerinden, genel olarak ölçülmesi güç bir yapıya sahiptirler. Buna bir çözüm
olarak çalışmada bulanık mantık kavramı temel alınmıştır. KİK sürecindeki Müşteri Gereksinimleri
(MG) ile Tasarım Özelliklerinin (TÖ) kendi aralarındaki bağımlılık ilişkilerini ve müşteri gereksinimleri
ile tasarım özellikleri arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmek için analitik serim sürecini kullanılmıştır.
Piyasadaki en iyi ürün/hizmetin belirlenmesi için Uzlaşık Programlama (UP) yöntemi
önerilmiştir. MG’ler ile TÖ’ler arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek için doğrusal regresyon denklemleri
oluşturulmuştur. Bütün bu aşamalar sonucu elde edilen veriler bütçe kısıtını içeren hedef programlama
yöntemine aktarılıp çözülmüştür. Amaç, seçilen ürünün/hizmetin performansının MG’leri karşılayacak
şekilde arttırılmasıdır. Türkiye’deki yüksek öğrenim kurumlarının sunduğu elektronik eğitime
ilişkin gerçek bir uygulama, önerilen yöntemlerin uygulanabilirliğini göstermektedir.
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