
Gender Basis of Periodontal Diseases

Gender Basis of Periodontal Diseases

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Background: Sexual dimorphisms exist in the prevalence and severity of many human conditions and diseases. Risk assessment is a crucial component of personalized medicine in evidence-based clinical practice. Gender is known to for a modifier of the initiation & outcome of many conditions. Establishing whether sex differences exist in the development and progression of periodontitis is the important for both, understanding pathogenesis and developing models of risk assessment for treatment planning taking in consideration effect of various systemic conditions related to gender which can lead to periodontitis. This paper discusses some risk factors which are to be considered before coming to the conclusion of bias in gender about the treatment planning which if not done, could lead to further complication and progression of the disease Results: There is evidence to support the higher prevalence of destructive periodontal disease in men than women.The important factor to be considered is that women still have varied periodontal problems due to hormonal fluctuations in various decades of life. Added to it, no study has been done in developing countries which might have different outcomes as compared to other developed countries. Conclusion: In conclusion we cannot predict the outcome of treatment plans on the basis of gender predilection for periodontal diseases because the pattern of disease progression is different in males and females.



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