Journal Name:
- Intangible Capital
Publication Year:
- 2011
Keywords (Original Language):
Author Name | University of Author |
- 2
- Spanish
AHIRE, S.L. (2001). Linking operations management students directly to the real world. Interfaces, 31(5): 104-117.
ALBRITTON, M.D.; MCMULLEN, P.R.; GARDINER, L.R. (2003). OR/MS content and visibility in AACSB-accredited US business programs. Interfaces, 33(5): 83-89.
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GOH, C.H.; HOLSAPPLE, C.W.; JOHNSON, L.E.; TANNER, J.R. (1996). An empirical assessment of influences on POM research. Omega International Journal of Management Science, 24(3): 337-345.
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