Craniofacial Mucormycosis: A Case Report
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- Fırat Tıp Dergisi
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Craniofacial-rhinocerebral mucormycosis is a rare and life-threatening invasive fungal infection which results in high mortality. It is most often found
in patients with hematologic malignancy, diabetic ketoacidosis, organ transplantation, HIV disease, drug abuse and haemodialysis. Rhinocerebral
mucormycosis is the most common form. The patient was admitted to our hospital because of relapsed leukemia. He was treated with salvage
chemotherapy with G-CSF support and also treated with antibiotherapy including antifungal agent due to neutropenic fever. He developed a necrotic
lesions at nares, hard palate and skin. Craniofacial mucormycosis was diagnosed with physical and histopathologic findings. Although the patient was
given an antifungal therapy he didn't improve and died. This case was reported to emphasize the mucormycosis which results in high mortality.
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Abstract (Original Language):
Kraniofasiyal-rinoserebral mukormikoz yüksek mortaliteye sahip, nadir görülen invaziv bir fungal infeksiyondur. Sıklıkla hamatolojik malignitelerde,
diyabetik ketoasidozda, organ transplantasyonlarında, HIV infeksiyonunda, ilaç bağımlılarında ve hemodiyaliz hastalarında görülür. Rinoserebral
formu en sık görülen formudur. Hasta relaps akut lösemi tanısıyla tedavi amaçlı yatırıldı. Büyüme faktör(G-CSF) destekli kurtarma kemoterapisi
uygulanan hastaya nötropenik ateş nedeniyle antifungal tedavi dahil antibiyotik tedavisi başlandı. İzlemde burunda, sert damakta ve ciltte nekrotik
lezyonlar gelişti. Fizik muayene ve histolojik bulgular ile kraniofasiyal mukormikoz olarak teşhis edildi. Ancak antifungal tedaviye rağmen gittikçe
kötüleşti ve kaybedildi. Bu olgu yüksek mortaliteyle seyreden mukormikoz infeksiyonlarını vurgulamak için sunuldu.
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