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Abstract (2. Language): 
The aim of study was to investigate collective efficacy and team cohesion levels of successful (N=35) and unsuccessful (N=40) handball players. Group Environment Questionnaire and Collective Efficacy Scale were used to collect the data. The results indicated non-significant difference in the ATG-T-1 (F=2.750; p=.102) and ATG-T-2 (F=3.258; p=.075) levels of successful and unsuccessful teams. A significant difference was found in the ATG-S-1 (F=3.959; p=.050) and ATG-S–2 (F=5.922; p=.017) levels of successful and unsuccessful teams (p<0.05). Results revealed non- difference found between successful and unsuccessful teams’ GI-T-1 levels (F=.256; p=.614), however a significant difference was found between successful and unsuccessful teams’ GI-T- 2 results (F=30.698; p=.000). The results indicated non- significant difference in the GI-S-1 (F=1.867; p=.176) and GI-S-2 (F=.316; p=.576) levels of successful and unsuccessful teams (p>0.05). A significant different was found in the Collective Efficacy-1 (F=19.885; p=.000) and Collective Efficacy–2 (F=32.971; p=.000) levels of successful and unsuccessful teams (p<0.05). Findings suggested that collective efficacy of successful and unsuccessful teams are different.



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