
The economical and social aspects of highly - skilled human capital activity in global economy

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People have been in continous progress in historical process. This process was started from finding and picking natural products (primative society) to cultivating the soil and growing products (agricultural society) and then, to post industrial society by knowledge and information instead of land and capital as being basic production tool. Labour was the main element of production before Industrial Revolution and there was no advantage between societies. However, with the Industrial Revolution, production structure was changed by increasingly using machines and tools and this increased the resource and energy requirements. But, having only natural resources was not enough in this process and using these resources with machines and tools was a necessity. Industrial society process brought organizations which are using natural resources and machines/tools put in advantage compared to others. Rapidly developing technology and globalization removed obstacles of the front of national markets while emphasizing increased competition and creativity and organizations. This new progress forced organizations with highly educated labour which are capable of transforming these elements in information and new Technologies. This process created the opportunity of catching new era by adopting qualified labour of less developed countries. However, this process caused much higher qualified labour requirements of economies, and put less developed countries in a situation that losing their high qualified labour to developed countries as result of increased competition which iscalled brain drain. In this article; the concept of “brain drain” will be described and the theoretical approach will be explained; the figures and international development of brain drain will be examined; the possible social and economical results of international mobility will be discussed.



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