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Abstract (2. Language): 
The world is in a rapid evolution of environment and all its elements. We talk of natural resources being exploited by people. It is necessary to consider this topic for our own country even while striving to imple- ment structural changes necessary for our development. All the problems we face, force us to find a solution as how to we may use and arrange our national natural resources to the best advantage. a typical example of how we may benefit would be to redefine our concept for the use of the coastal zone. In this zone, important contradictions of interest are observed: on one hand is the value of the sea and island waterways to transport and industry; and on the other, the interest shown by people in using these zones for pleasure and recreation. In this thesis, after an objective definition of coastal zone, the zone is scrutinized in the frame of various other scientific definitions and all their many facets; taking the quality of it being an important reso- urce into consideration. But as it is mentioned in the definition, the coastal zone has ta be examined with the numerous activities taking pla- ce on it in mind and the relationships between the zone people and the society who have the use of it. The phenomenon of the conspicuous, rapid change in resources of the coastal zone resulting from the hard usage of it, is also examined. It is then possible to make a definition of the co- astal zone which considers all the conflicts of interest that have been mentioned. The proposed method to arrange this defined and sometimes limited part of zone consists of a system which is parallel to its progress; flexible, clear, gradual and leading. This method, basically a matrix to apply the goals, must balance the resources and ways of using them, according to some well defined guide lines layed down by a certain policy. When necessary, the matrix also has to be capable of an active "conservation of the zone". The goals (National-Zonal) have to be clearly defined; the criteria for evaluating the facts must be determined; the management must have its basic principles; in short, the process of organization and application for the right unification of zone and its users has to be directed by a policy (National-Zonal) which is formed, by an upper structure and its basic ideology. This upper structure must carry the aim of improving our environment and social relations to a healthier point.



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