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To formulate and evaluate a lamivudine microspheres using a combination of eudragit RS 100 and eudragit RL 100 polymers. Lamivudine is an antiretroviral drug which is used in the treatment of AIDS disease. The lamivudine microspheres were prepared by the solvent evaporation method using different concentration of the eudragit polymers. The effect of polymer ratio on % drug encapsulation efficiency was investigated using 32 full factorial designs. The parameters determined were bulk density, tape density, angle of repose, particle size, drug content, % drug encapsulation efficiency & in vitro dissolution. Concentration of eudragit RS 100 (X2) & RL 100 (X2) was used as an independent variables and % drug encapsulation efficiency (V) used as a dependent variable. Particle size of microspheres affected by stirring speed and concentration of the eudragit polymers. As the stirring speed increased, the particle size decreased and as the concentration of eudragit increases, the particle size also increased. Larger microspheres showed greater drug loading and smaller microspheres showed a faster drug release. A surface plots are also presented to graphically represent the effect of independent variables on the % drug encapsulation efficiency. The validity of generated mathematical model was tested by preparing checkpoint formulation. Formulation F3 showing higher drug content and drug release profile as compaired other formulation. So, F3 formulation was taken as the optimized formulation.



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Available Online At www.ijprbs.com
Research Article
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ISSN: 2277-8713
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Available Online At www.ijprbs.com
Research Article
Yashavantsinh Chavda, IJPRBS, 2013; Volume 2(3): 89-106
ISSN: 2277-8713
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