
Gilbert Damping Effect on Thermally Assisted Magnetization Reversal of Perpendicular Magnetized Nano-Dot

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Gilbert damping effect on thermally assisted magnetization reversal of perpendicular magnetized nano-dot has been investigated by completing Landau - Liftshitz Gilbert equation. Using of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, as realization of sizable capacities necessity, has to be compensated with amount of magnetic field that required reversing nano-dot magnetization. Applying of heat has been suggested to reduce this switching field. Variation of Gilbert damping for different values of anisotropy constant with equal saturation magnetization at room temperature have impact to amount of energy barrier, reversal field as well as magnetization rate. Heating at Curie temperature which followed by cooling abruptly until it reaches room temperature has succeeded to lowering reversal magnetic field size up to  90%. Other important conclusion that reversal field could be reduced by Gilbert damping increament.