
Determining the Number of Follicular Waves and the Differences in Estradiol and Progesterone Concentrations in Follicular Fluids of Different Sizes in Different Stages of the Estrous Cycle in Hybrid Dairy Cattles

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study, non-pregnant and healthy reproductive devices related to 42 slaughtered hybrid cattle aged 2-3 years were collected in Ahwaz slaughterhouse and then transported to the laboratory in ice. Isolated ovaries were divided into four phases of Matt Strauss or days 1-4, earlier de-Strauss or days 5-10, late de-Strauss or days 11-17 and pro-Strauss and Strauss or days 18-21 Strauss cycle based on shape and color appearance of yellow material. Follicular fluid associated with the follicles of different sizes were independently extracted with insulin syringe and were stored at - 20 ° C until the analysis of steroid hormones (estrogen and progesterone). The number of small follicles (less than 5 mm), medium (6-9 mm) and large (10-20 mm) of ovaries related to different stages of estrous cycle were determined. The results achieved in this study indicated that the number of small follicles of the right ovaries at the stages of Matt Strauss and late de-Strauss of Strauss cycle were significantly higher than the other stages. Also, by growing and increasing the size of follicle, estrogen concentration of follicular fluid will be increased and a significant relationship was found between increasing the estrogen concentration and the amount of follicular fluid. The estrogen concentration of follicular fluid was often decreased by increasing the size of follicles.



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